Psychologists focus on factors unique to the individual and the personal experiences that influence how that individual will act and think.
Experimental Psychology: Sets up experiments to see how individuals act in particular situations to identify reasons for human behaviours. Clinical Psychology: Develops programs for treating individuals suffering from mental illnesses and behavioural disorders. Developmental Psychology: Studies aspects of human behaviour and how it changes from birth to old age.
CONT... Cognitive Psychology: Focuses on how people perceive and interpret sights, sounds and other stimuli as meaningful objects and events. Environmental Psychology: Studies how humans relate to their surroundings and how their behaviours are influenced by this relationship.
The mind is divided into 3 parts: ID-seeks pleasure & avoids pain SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT IN PSYCHOLOGY Psychoanalytic Theory: Believe personality development and individual behaviour are governed by how the 3 parts of the mind interact (Founder: Freud) The mind is divided into 3 parts: ID-seeks pleasure & avoids pain SUPEREGO-encourages us to take moral action EGO-referees between the two
Dream Analysis and Hypnosis are two methods used to unlock the unconscious and alleviate neuroses and frustration Freud had his patients keep a dream journal. You will keep your own dream journal for the next 5 nights. Bring your dream journal to class after the 5th night. Record as many details as you can such as what happened, people in the dream, perceived length of the dream.
Behaviourism: Believes by identifying the factors that motivate human behaviour, psychologists can predict and control it (can treat patients with problem behaviours). Behaviourists focus on early childhood years and parents’ rules/practices for raising their children. Also believe that one can’t make conclusions about the mind since it cannot be observed. Can therefore only focus on behaviour. (Founder-Watson)
Learning Theory: Believes by controlling the way in which humans learn behaviour, society can have a great influence on their ultimate personalities. Examples: a) Pavlov & Skinner-Their experiments suggested learning was a stimulus-response effect (if subject is correctly stimulated, they will give the appropriate response. b) Bandura-Found learning was largely a modelling experience (when humans observe behaviour- acceptable or unacceptable-they are more likely to practice it)