Start Time When an activity begins End Time When an activity ends Elapsed Time The time that it takes to start an activity and finish the same activity.
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Activities Using Time Making Your Bed Start Time = 8:00 End Time = 8:15 Elapsed Time = 15 minutes
Washing the Dishes Start Time: 6:00 End Time: 6:30 Elapsed Time: 30 minutes or 1/2 hour
Now You Try You Are Feeding Your Dog. Start Time: 7:00 End Time: 7:10 Your ELAPSED Time is A.10 minutes B.5 minutes C.15 minutes
Did You Say 10 Minutes? You are CORRECT!! To return to activities screen, click here.
Did You Say 5 Minutes? Sorry, try again. To return to the activities screen, click here
Did You Say 15 Minutes? Sorry, try again. To return to activities, click here
If you begin walking your dog now, what is your start time?
You are now done walking, what is your elapsed time?