Leadership and Management Change management and structural changes Portuguese case study EUPAN HR Meeting – 11/12 September 2006 Helsinki
Public Administration Change management Public Administration New form of management Larger accountability Larger autonomy Leadership skills
THE NEW MANAGEMENT STAFF STATUS Law n.º 2/2004, 15th January changed by Law n.º 51/2005, 30th August
Previous status of senior directing staff Acknowledged difficulties Definition of competences according to actions, disregarding productivity Inefficient and bureaucratic recruitment procedures Lack of specific professional training Inappropriate instruments to carry out new management competences
Status of senior directing staff Innovative aspects Ethical and managerial principles Outputs achievement Autonomy of resolution Redefinition of competences Reinforcement of accountability in leading plans of action and activities Assessment Charter of mission Specific professional training
Assessment Holders of higher managerial positions are assessed according to the level of accomplishment of objectives set in the Charter of Mission An essential factor in the performance and quality of services Accountability of top managers Managers are held responsible for the rigorous development and performance assessment of civil servants according to specific objectives Por último, nesta fase da nossa apresentação, deve salientar-se a consagração avaliação como factor fundamental para o funcionamento e para a qualidade dos serviço. clic Para além de se estabelecer que os dirigentes intermédios serão eles próprios avaliados, tendo como objectivo a apreciação do desempenho nos respectivos domínios de responsabilidade, (artigo 14.º), o PD será responsabilizado pela aplicação rigorosa e criteriosa do sistema de avaliação do desempenho dos seus trabalhadores, em função dos objectivos estabelecidos. Também válido para administração local – alínea h do n.º 2 do artigo 4.º do Decreto-Lei 93/2004. Artigo 17.º da Lei n.º 10/2004, de 22 de Março.
Assessment Charter of mission Top managers are evaluated according to the outputs achieved during their tenure and established in the Charter of Mission Commitment of management between top managers and the Government where, in an explicit way, are established the objectives to be achieved in the course of the performance of functions, duly quantified and scheduled The Charter of Mission may predict the attribution of awards for the service or organization and for the office holder according to the progressive accomplishment of objectives defined
Competences Permanent capacity of the service to execute tasks and optimize resources towards new demanding New competences for restructuring the service Setting up Changing Abolish organic units
Structure of public service Central Administration (from the State) Direct Administration, made up of central or outlying services, subject to the power of direction of a member of the Government and structured in ministry (e.g. Directorate General) Indirect Administration, made up of organizations endowed with legal personality and of bodies with own property, subject to superintendence and supervision from the Government (e.g. public institutes) Autonomous Regional Administration (Azores and Madeira) Local Administration (Local Authorities) Government is the supreme organ of Public Administration
PRACE guidelines To rationalize structures in order to promote economies of expenses and gains of efficiency To improve management and coordination To reduce consultative and coordination committees To reinforce the Governments’ technical support, specially in areas like legislative process, juridical information and new technologies (ICT’s)
PRACE guidelines Means of action Assessment of current activities developed by central administration Reduction of administrative structures that pursue complementary, overlapped or parallel objectives Simplification, rationalization and reengineering of administrative procedures Organization of partnership services for functions and common activities De-concentration and decentralization of functions to regional and local levels .
PRACE development Strategic framework - planning the Programme for the restructuring of each ministry Assessment and organizational redefinition of structures, and resources of central administration – several working groups reporting to a technical commission Implementation – new legislation followed by the restructuring of each ministry and the reassignment of resources
Comparative data - number of structures
Comparative data - number of structures
Comparative data - number of top managers
Organizational development and strategic HR management Redefinition of structures New mobility framework New mobility instruments Flexible mobility procedures Abolishing, merging or restructuring processes HR measurement Top managers are given new management instruments to evaluate and adjust the organizational structure and the existing HR
Organizational development All decisions and procedures within the development of the restructuring processes New and former top managers are responsible for All decisions related to the HR measurement processes Disciplinary accountability for those who disregard legal deadlines
Strategic HR management New mobility system HR development Management efficiency enhancement Flexibility
Strategic HR management Mobility mechanisms General mobility mechanisms Transference Requisition Swap Detachment Special ceding Special mobility mechanisms (SME)
Enlargement of situations in which the workers’ agreement Strategic HR management Mobility mechanisms Workers Mobility mechanisms Administration Enlargement of situations in which the workers’ agreement can be exempt To an organisation located in the same municipality as the former organisation or the workers’ residence To a bordering municipality, if the workers’ former organisation or residence is located in Lisbon or Porto To any other municipality, if certain accessibility conditions are verified
Redefinition of structures Human Resources measurement Strategic HR management Mobility mechanisms Redefinition of structures Human Resources measurement Special mobility procedures Transition stage Re-qualification stage Compensation stage The group of workers who have been placed in SME operates as a pool where every public organisation in need of new HR must access before starting a new recruitment procedure
Assessment Top managers are accountable for the outputs achieved in the executive tenure The non-accomplishment of the aims established in the Charter of Mission will determine the non-renewal of the executive tenure or its conclusion in advance Organisational assessment procedures that shall include the following steps: self-appraisal, monitoring and auditing services by public or private entities
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