Senior Prom 2017 Packet Friday, June 2, 2017 7:00 p. m Senior Prom 2017 Packet Friday, June 2, 2017 7:00 p.m. – Midnight Grand Marquis 1550 U.S. 9, Old Bridge, NJ 08857 Senior Prom Advisors: Ms. Hain & Ms. Woerner Senior Class Advisor: Mr. Switek Time: Social Hour: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Dinner and Dancing: Main Ballroom 8:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. *All students must leave the Grand Marquis premises by 12:15 a.m. with their own transportation.
ALL FINES MUST BE PAID BEFORE PURCHASING A TICKET Ticket Sale Information Tickets will be sold in front of the cafeterias during all lunches Monday, March 20- Friday, 24, 2017. Tickets will not be sold after Friday, March 24, 2017. Bid Price: $75 per person $150 per couple Payment: Cash or Money Order ONLY! Absolutely NO checks will be accepted. ALL FINES MUST BE PAID BEFORE PURCHASING A TICKET
Table Arrangements Table arrangement forms should be filled in prior to purchasing your BID. ONLY the table captain will fill in that Google Form. Priority will be given in order of BID purchases! All persons must have paid their bid in full for a table to be assigned. Tables will be 12-14 tops. This means that 12 or 14 people will be seated per table. You are not required to have the maximum people to make a table request. However, Ms. Hain and Ms. Woerner will assign others to fill the open seats at that table. Table arrangements will only be confirmed once all members of a group have purchased bids. If a student has not purchased his/her bid, he/she will not be included in a table arrangement until he/she has done so.
Pictures Picture information will be distributed prior to the prom and packages can be purchased the night of the event.
FORMS You must have the Permission Slip filled out AND signed and initialed where appropriate at the time of purchasing your prom bid. Fill out any required forms and return when purchasing your prom bid. You MUST have your guest information form in at time of purchase if your guest is NOT a WHS student. Information must be given at time of purchase or ticket WILL NOT be sold. Bring required sheets filled out completely at time of purchase. No guests over the age of 20 will be permitted to attend. Guests that are not from WHS will be screened by the Administration. Mr. Lottmann has the final decision as to whether any guest will be allowed to attend, WHS student or otherwise.
Guests Please be aware that any person attending prom who is not a student of Woodbridge High School MUST present picture ID upon entering the prom. Current school ID, driver’s license or passport are all acceptable forms of photo ID. Guest name submitted on paperwork must match guest in attendance.
Dismissal the Day of Prom All students who are attending Prom (regardless of grade level) must submit a permission slip at the time of purchase, or to Ms. Hain or Ms. Woerner no later than Tuesday, May 3, 2017. If a permission slip has not been submitted, you will not be allowed to leave early. No exceptions will be made! Only students attending Prom will be permitted to leave early. Students will be dismissed at 12:16 p.m. via the Gym doors. DO NOT MAKE APPOINTMENTS PRIOR TO 1:00 P.M.
Absence/Discipline the Day of Prom Any student who is absent or suspended (in or out of school) on the day of Prom, will NOT be allowed to attend.