Singular Plural 1st Person Yo Nosotros/as 2nd Person (Informal) Tú Vosotros/as (Formal) Ud. Uds. 3rd Person (Masculine) Él Ellos (Feminine) Ella Ellas
Conjugate the verb using the correct pronoun and verb in the past tense. I sang The boys walked You (sister) asked Y’all listened (Spain) We talked I studied Noah bought The students worked Y’all took Jasmine prepared
Conjugate the verb using the correct pronoun and verb in the past tense. We learned Y’all ate Sid drank The students learned The team ran Y’all drank (Spain) I ate You (Mrs. Torek) ran
Conjugate the verb using the correct pronoun and verb in the past tense. I decided She opened My family and I lived He received Y’all described Y’all opened (Spain)
Translate the sentences into Spanish Last night, I watched How to Get Away with Murder. Yesterday, we walked to the park. Last year, Beyonce sang Formation. My mom bought the tickets (los boletos). I spoke to Mrs. Clarke yesterday.
Translate the sentences into Spanish Jazne’ asked a question. We took a test last week. I answered your question. The teachers taught math last week. Y’all listened to the lesson (la lección).
Translate the sentences into Spanish Makail and Kelsey studied for the Spanish test. The boys practiced football last weekend. I finished the project the day before yesterday. Kenteira worked in Zaxby’s last night. The students prepared for the test last week.
Translate the sentences into Spanish I learned Spanish in high school. You drank my soda (mi refresco)! We ate Wendy’s last night. The team (el equipo) ran track yesterday.
Translate the sentences into Spanish She opened the store (la tienda). We decided to move (mudar) to Atlanta. Josh and Nick received a gift (un regalo). I lived in Jacksonville, Fl. He described the criminal (el criminal) to the police (la policía).