Carbon & Oxygen Cycle Practice Q’s
What is the role of Carbon in living things? TO STORE ENERGY
3 areas or reservoirs where we can find Carbon? Fossil fuels, minerals/rocks, living things, atmosphere or ocean
What process makes O2 ? Photosynthesis
What process makes CO2? RESPIRATION
What process breaks sugars down into energy? RESPIRATION
What process stores energy in sugars? PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Photosynthesis Respiration Organisms: Reactants: Products: Convert _____ energy to ________ energy
Photosynthesis Respiration Organisms: Reactants: Products: Plants, algae, ocean plants Animals & Plants Reactants: CO2 + light + H2O Sugars + O2 Products: CO2 + H2O + energy Convert _____ energy to ________ energy Solar chemical (in bonds in sugar) Chemical usable energy for animal
O2, CO2, Photosynth. Respiration Process: Label: O2, CO2, Photosynth. Respiration B Process:
Carbon-Oxygen Diagram Use the last page of your packet to complete the Carbon- Oxygen Cycle on the 1st page. You can write the words in or cut them out and glue them onto the page. KEEP THE PART II PHRASES FOR TOMORROW. If cutting them out, place all phrases in their spots first before gluing to make sure they’re right. Then, answer questions #1-12 under Part I. Check your answers with me when done. You can color the diagram or work on homework or the study guide if you finish early.