PARENTING in HISPANIC FAMILIES © Western/Pacific LINCS Western/Pacific Literacy Network
SW Adult Education Center A Course Developed and Taught by Kathy Ragland ABE/GED Instructor Parent Educator SW Adult Education Center Cortez, Colorado
Brought to you by SWBCOS Adult Education Department San Juan Basin Technical School The Project for Self-Empowerment Mountain Plains Distance Learning Partnership
Today’s Instruction brought to you by Kathy Ragland ABE/GED Instructor and Parent Educator SW Adult Education Center Cortez, Colorado
AND Patty Thomas ABE/GED Instructor SW Adult Education Center Cortez, Colorado
Review We learned to identify “baggage.” We learned to improve understanding of ourselves.
To identify how culture relates to parenting Today’s Objectives To identify how parenting skills can be passed down through the generations To identify how culture relates to parenting Let’s talk about this baggage thing. We want you to be able to identify how you affect others by imposing what you were taught onto others. Sometimes that is good. Sometimes, if you are not aware of it, it can have negative reactions.
Manner in which a parent shows, directs or guides their children Parenting style Manner in which a parent shows, directs or guides their children How do you repeat what you were taught in how your parents raised you. Let’s think about that for a minute…. (Discuss examples)
To indulge excessively; gratify too much or unwisely Overindulge To indulge excessively; gratify too much or unwisely Can you give anyone too much? Too much love? Too much caring? Time? Too much money. When is much too much. Did anyone sacrifice too much for you?
Control To exercise authority or dominating influence over; to direct or regulate We all influence. When does influence become control and dominance. Examples.
An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium Balance An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium How do you know your family is balance and out of balance. Is balance always good?How does balance in a Hispanic family differ from a German or that of other cultures? What happens on a typical good / bad day in a typical Hispanic family?
A collection of a persons problems or idiosyncrasies Baggage A collection of a persons problems or idiosyncrasies What are your idiosyncrasies? Are those bad? Good? Why?
To be ignored, paid no attention to, or disregarded Neglected To be ignored, paid no attention to, or disregarded Is it better to be neglected or punished. How do Hispanic children get disciplined? How do Hispanic parents pay attention to their kids, typically?
Emotion Any strong feeling, as of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate or love, arising subjectively rather than through conscious mental effort What cultures are known to be the most emotional? Are children of Hispanic families as emotional as their parents? Explain. Is emotion good?
Inconstant, tending to violence; explosive Volatile Inconstant, tending to violence; explosive What happens to children when they can’t predict someone’s reaction?
Empathy Understanding so intimate that the feelings, thoughts, and motives of one are readily comprehended by another Give examples. Stories.
The feeling of being responsible for an offense or wrongdoing Guilt The feeling of being responsible for an offense or wrongdoing What do many Hispanic mothers feel guilty over? Fathers? Children? What does success and nurturing look like in Hispanic families. Do parents feel guilty when children make choices that they don’t value? Why?
Disciplinarian Person who enforces the guidelines and determines the punishment for breaking the rules What is discipline and who does most of it in Hispanic families?
Identified how culture relates to parenting. Review Identified how parenting skills can be passed down through the generations. Identified how culture relates to parenting.
How to get your assignments Pick up your handouts at the SW Adult Education Center at 514 North Chestnut at the corner of Chestnut and Arbecam Streets in Cortez. Or
Access your handouts on the Internet at
Getting help with assignments Attend FREE on-site classes Tuesday and Thursday nights at the Adult Education Center, at 514 North Chestnut at the corner of Chestnut and Arbecam Streets in Cortez. OR
Call and ask for a mentor. AND Always get your handouts and assignments .
How to turn in your assignments You may turn in your assignments at the SW Adult Education Center. Call 565-4088 for information and help with assignments
Don’t forget to enroll. If you want to work on your Colorado Certificate of Accomplishment, ask to start your portfolio.
Western/Pacific Literacy Network © Western/Pacific LINCS Western/Pacific Literacy Network