PowerPoint & Friends Accessible Slides on the Web Demonstration Slideshow PowerPoint & Friends Accessible Slides on the Web Terry Thompson DO-IT, University of Washington tft@u.washington.edu Hello and welcome to PowerPoint and Friends, Accessible Slides on the Web.
Slide #1 (a numbered list) First item in list Second item in list Third item in list Fourth item in list Fifth item in list A good slideshow does not, and arguably should not, serve as a presentation in and of itself.
Slide #2 (bulleted lists in columns) First bullet of column 1 Second bullet of column 1 Third bullet of column 1 First bullet of column 2 Second bullet of column 2 Third bullet of column 2 Instead, a slideshow is typically used to supplement a presentation.
Slide #3 (an image) So, slides delivered over the web can be most effective if they too are used a supplement to a presentation.
Slide #4 (a table) Type of College (Degree Granted) Web Accessibility Rating Baccalaureate 1.6 Associate’s 2.0 Masters 2.2 Doctoral/Research 2.3 One could therefore argue from a pedagogical standpoint that a narrated video is the best format for delivering a slideshow over the web.
Slide #5 (a chart) In order to be accessible, the video must be captioned.
Slide #6 (an org chart) And the lecturer must be sure to verbalize the content of each slide, just as they should in a live presentation.
Slide #7 (a cycle diagram) I'm not doing so in this video because my slides contain, well, no useful content.
Slide #8 (list of links) DO-IT http://www.washington.edu/doit This Presentation http://staff.washington.edu/tft Except perhaps for this slide, which contains URLs for the DO-IT website and for the current presentation.