A Peek At What We Are Learning September 18-22 News What’s Happening This Week: Reminders & Events Month of September: National Elementary Honor Society will be collecting “Pennies for Patients.” (accepts cash & coins) Students should be working on their Native American Project. (DUE 9/25) Project board money ($1.25) MUST be turned in this week! ($ was due on 9/8) Monday: Tuesday: Math Fact Drill (5 minutes) Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Reading Test & Grammar Test A Peek At What We Are Learning Reading Ten Mile Day ; Cause & Effect; Text Structure; Suffix -ing Language Arts Coordinating Conjunctions; Compound Sentences Math Order of Operations; Evaluating Expressions Science Matter & Properties; Mixtures & Solutions; Law of Conservation of Matter Social Studies Native Americans Homecoming Week: Monday-Favorite Sports Team Tuesday-Disney Character Friday- Wednesday- Crazy Hair Day Thursday- Western Day Spartan Spirit