Class of 2019 The College Process
Seniors What Holds Them Back Nervous - I don’t know what to do. Expectations - My mom wants me to go to Whitman and my dad wants me to go to the U of W. Big Decision - What if I make the wrong decision and I don’t like my college choice? The Future is scary - I have no idea what I want to do and everyone else does. College Process
2 Year Degree vs. 4 Year Degree Student Myths Around College Choices Benefit of 2 year Benefit of 4 year College Process
Selecting a Major Is selecting a major important? Parent Help! Is selecting a major important? Explore Strength/Weakness/Interests School Outside School Size and College Majors Visits to College Departments College Process
TO DO: Update Resume Parent Help! TO DO: Update Resume College Search Private vs. Public 2 year vs. 4 year Pick 3-6 schools Organize Applications Essay Resume Deadlines Financial Aid Transcript Recommendations College Process
Organization U of W 11/15/18 1/15/19 Yes No SAT/ FAFSA/WASFA UPS College Cost Application deadline Financial Aid Deadline Essay Transcript Teacher Rec Counselor Rec Other U of W 27,948 11/15/18 1/15/19 Yes No SAT/ FAFSA/WASFA UPS 62,316 11/15 or 1/15 11/15/19 SAT/ FAFSA/ WASFA College Process Friday Harbor High School Guidance and Counseling: College Process
College Search Use: Parent Help! Use: - Student Reviews Meet with Gordy to define search Four Year or Two Year Public or Private Location Campus Setting Rural, Suburban, or Urban Size Major Campus Visits (Before/After Application?) SAT/ACT Test (one more time?) Interviews College Process Parent Help!
Ranking Your Choices Organization Know your Deadlines (Application and Financial Aid) Early Decision, Early Action, Regular Decision Your GPA Compared to: The schools average GPA Your SAT / ACT scores Compared to: The schools average SAT and ACT College Setting Academic Major Co curricular Activities College Process
Deadlines Parent Help! Early Action vs. Early Decision vs. Regular Decision (What is right for you?) Regular Decision (RD) Most common form of applying Can apply to multiple schools Early Action (EA) Non-Binding OK to apply to many schools EA Strong Competition to Select Schools Early Decision (ED) Binding (you have to go if accepted) Can only apply to one school ED Possibility of Poor Financial Aid Might get a closer look Contract must be signed by parent and guidance counselor Discussion with university advised
The Admissions Process Academic Profile Transcripts SAT and ACT Class Rank Courses Grades (GPA) Academic Profile: Measures you as a student. Shows your academic accomplishments. It gives colleges a look at how you compare to other students It is only the beginning and a PART of the picture College Process
Personal Profile Essays Resume Site Visit Interview (Is it mandatory?) Parent Help! Essays Resume Extracurricular Activities Honors and Awards Travel Work Experience Community Service Hobbies Site Visit Interview (Is it mandatory?) Personal Profile Balance your academic side with your personal side The academic shows you as a student The personal gives you a chance to show who you are as a person, what makes you unique, shows your feelings and reactions The Essay is a way to get to know you – Your choice on topic Tell them what is important to you and why BE YOUR SELF! That is who they want to know Be specific – write something other than what is on your resume You need to show them something new about you It is all about you and who you are. College Process
Personal Essay – First Person Narrative 1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. 2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? 3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome? 4. Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma - anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. 5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. 6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more? 7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. Samples are from long answer essays, some apps have multiple short answer essay questions as well.
Supporting Documents Teacher Recommendations Guidance Counselor Recommendation and School Report – Meet with Gordy Supplementary Materials Athletics and NCAA Meet with Gordy to discuss recommendation Meet with Alicia to learn what you need to fill out for recommendations Find teachers who will write positive recommendations / give them at least two weeks notice College Process
Recommendations How to get a recommendation Print your Resume Politely ask a teacher and/or Gordy if they would be willing to write you a recommendation for college Ask before school, after school or between classes Give two or three weeks notice Ask if they would like an addressed and stamped envelope or if they would like to give the recommendation to you Be thankful Remember – No one is required to write you a recommendation Ask in person do not email a request for a recommendation Ask for a recommendation - Do not tell a staff member you need a recommendation College Process
Financial Aid FAFSA – October 1ST 2018 Parent Help! Financial Aid FAFSA – October 1ST 2018 Net Price Calculators CSS Profile (Most Private Colleges) College Financial Aid/Scholarship Applications Local Scholarships (April) CCC and School Website San Juan Service Scholarship (Dollars for Scholars) or other free search College Process
Financial Aid FAFSA at October 1st 2018 Parent Help! FAFSA at October 1st 2018 Most Financial Aid deadlines are between November 15 to January 15. Should be able to use Data Retrieval Tool Base on prior – prior year’s tax information FAFSA determines your expected family contribution (EFC) Amount family expected to contribute toward college costs Lower EFC more likely to receive gift aid Money in students name Anyone can qualify for certain types of financial aid Income and assets Real estate (aside from family home) Checking and savings accounts Stocks and investments Dependent students: parent and student income and assets considered Independent students: only student income and assets considered Expenses also considered Income taxes paid Housing, clothing and food Number of family members Number of household members in college (excluding parents) Parents need to save for retirement
Financial Aid Types of Aid Available Gift aid (Federal, State, School) Doesn’t have to be paid back Work-study (Federal) Earn while you learn Loans (Federal, Private) Must be repaid, including interest OK to accept with Financial Aid Package Track loan amount Know payback terms
Financial Aid Gift Aid/Scholarships Usually Merit-Based some Need-Based Awarded for: Academic achievement Talent or skill Community service Leadership/school activities Parent affiliation with a club or organization Financial need College Bound Scholarship
Financial Aid Finding Scholarships High School Counselor Parent Help! Finding Scholarships High School Counselor Community Scholarships (Spring) College you plan to attend Public library Free online resources Fast Web: College Board:;
Financial Aid FAFSA – October 1 senior year Parent Help! FAFSA – October 1 senior year CSS Profile (Private Colleges) Scholarships (Free Resources) University High School Community (Spring) On-line
A Few Last Things Parent Help! Call the colleges to make sure admissions and financial aid applications are complete Ask financial aid office about the impact on your aid if you are awarded local scholarships (what will be taken away?) The long wait College Process
Parent Help Discuss your child’s strengths/interests to help choose major. Help with updating resume adding details. College search. Campus visits. Know deadlines – application and financial aid. Proofread. FAFSA, CSS Profile, Scholarships. Encourage your child to ask for help from Gordy, Teachers, other family members, other adults. College Process
Web Sites College Search Sites Financial Aid The College Process