Welcome to Fourth Grade - Investigators’ Teacher Talk 2015
About Me… Education Awards: LCSWCD Educator of the Year 2013 BA - Biology MS - Upper Intermediate Education Special Ed certification AIG Certification Experience teaching in CT, SC, and NC, all grade levels and teachers Awards: LCSWCD Educator of the Year 2013 Harris Teeter Teacher of the Year 2012 National PLT Educator of the Year 2009 SC PLT Educator of the Year 2007
Goals To create interesting, knowledgeable, well-rounded, caring humans To prepare for fifth grade and beyond by developing: Self-discipline Critical thinking Independence in thought and actions Academic skill
Math Curriculum Outline 1st quarter - review, multiples and factors, rounding, estimation,order of operations, mental calculations, word problems 2nd quarter - multiplication and division by 2 digit numbers, fractions, word problems 3rd quarter - fractions, word problems, perimeter and area, decimals 4th quarter - conversion of measures, graphing, geometry, percent
Science Curriculum Outline 1st quarter: Earth History - rocks and minerals, fossils, Science Fair 2nd quarter: Matter - forces and motion Earth in the Universe 3rd quarter: Structure and function of living organisms, ecosystems 4th quarter: Molecular Biology - role of vitamins, mineral and exercise
Approach Significant math and science content Complex Problem-Solving Self-Directed learning/Inquiry Small Group Investigation Individualized study including research techniques - Science Fair, rock collection, projects Awareness as Lifelong Learners/Metacognitive awareness
Learning Expectations and Procedures Come to class on time and prepared to learn: homework on time, materials ready to begin class, mindset ready for learning. Treat others and property with respect. Yellow card / Red card Warnings and consequences
Grading System 1-4 system of grading in four areas: Academic, Behavior, Effort, Homework 1 Displays unsatisfactory understanding / demonstration. 2 Shows inconsistent understanding / performance. 3 Demonstrates mastery and exhibits consistent performance. 4 Exceeds expectations by additional self-directed activity. Grades are secondary to learning and effort.
How Parents Can Be Involved Please subscribe to and view my webpage. Please contact me by email about: specific issues, kudos or questions. Help your child review math and science concepts. Remind them to complete and hand in homework on time. Room parents: Ms. Alsop, Ms. DiBella and Ms. O’Sullivan will contact you about volunteer opportunities. basic math facts, play math games together, watch scientific documentaries and discuss them, take observation walks outside.