Successful Treatment of Iron Overload by Phlebotomies in a Patient With Severe Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia Type II by W.K. Hofmann, J.P. Kaltwasser, D. Hoelzer, P. Nielsen, and E.E. Gabbe Blood Volume 89(8):3068-3068 April 15, 1997 ©1997 by American Society of Hematology
Hb and serum ferritin concentrations during phlebotomy in the patient suffering from CDA II. Liver iron concentration (per gram wet weight) as measured by biomagnetometry is given in bars. Hb and serum ferritin concentrations during phlebotomy in the patient suffering from CDA II. Liver iron concentration (per gram wet weight) as measured by biomagnetometry is given in bars. Stepwise increase of removed blood in weeks 1 through 4 (see text). W.K. Hofmann et al. Blood 1997;89:3068 ©1997 by American Society of Hematology