Year 5 Sex and Relationships Education Sarah Creed, Jamie Gurr and Chloe Hunt Wednesday 7th June 2017
When will this happen? Week beginning Monday 19th June. Monday and Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning sessions, that will link in with some Science sessions and separate SRE sessions.
Where does this fit with the Science Curriculum? Animals including humans: To be able to describe the changes as humans develop from birth to old age. Includes life cycles, possible causes of change, height changes from birth to adulthood, gestation periods of different animals, including humans and puberty and what happens to adults as they become old.
Questions from previous years… What happens if you have sex with a boy that hasn’t developed? What is in sperm? Will your tampon fall out in public? Do you need to have sex for a baby to come? Does every baby have to breast feed from their mum’s boobies? I have heard of something called a condom, what is it? What age are you able to have sex and how do you start it? What happens if you have sex with someone who is not a boy? What happens if you start your period whilst having sex? I don’t feel comfortable talking about this, is that ok?
SRE Curriculum at Cage Green Year 5 DVD based sessions ‘4 Learning’ - Changes Section - differences between male and female physical and emotional, puberty, menstruation, sex organs the purposes of these in the human life cycle. -Girl Talk – physical and emotional concerns about sexual attraction, explains a ‘crush’, taking a more mature attitude, puberty, menstruation and dealing with feelings about puberty.