1.1 Cell Organelles
What is it & What does it do?
Nucleus Controls all the activities that go on within the cell Contains: DNA / Chromosomes Contains Nucleolus – which has the directions for how proteins are to be made a the ribosomes.
What is it & What does it do?
Ribosomes Makes Proteins Float around in the cytoplasm and can be attached to the ER
What is it & What does it do?
Endoplasmic Reticulum Makes and modifies lipids/fats Breaks down drugs Packages proteins and sends them to the golgi apparatus
What is it & What does it do?
Mitochondria Breaks down food (sugar/glucose/C6H12O6) into ENERGY (ATP) that cells can use Cellular Respiration
What is it & What does it do?
Chloroplast Uses sunlight to create Sugar (Glucose/C6H12O6/food) Found Only in the PLANT CELL
What is it & What does it do?
Golgi Apparatus Packages and Transports materials out of the cell
What is it & What does it do?
Large Central Vacuole Stores water and other materials
What do Lysosomes do? no picture given, but they are small and spherical in shape
Lysosomes Digest food particles, waste, worn out cell parts, and foreign invaders
What is it & What does it do?
Cell Wall Rigid structure located outside of the cell membrane of Plant Cells Function: Support and Protect the Plant Cell PLANT CELL ONLY
What is it & What does it do?
Cell Membrane Thin covering that surrounds all cells It controls what enters and exits the cell Barrier It is Semi-Permeable –meaning it allows some things in and other not
What is it & What does it do?
Centrioles Helps divide the cell during cell division (mitosis)
What is it Cytoplasm & What does it do?
Cytoplasm Is the liquid substance that fills the inside of the cell. All organelles are cushioned and surrounded by cytoplasm