Why do some things sink and some things float? FLOATING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Why do some things sink and some things float?
TAKE A STAND… What do I think about things that sink and float? Somewhere in the middle Agree Disagree All things that are heavy sink. Only flat things float. Small things float better than big things.
What will sink and what will float? Take a moment to talk about which vegetables and fruit you think will float or sink. Sort your items into two groups: The group you think will sink and the group you think will float. Table Talk! Make sure your recorder has started to capture your discussion!
Time to investigate…what will sink and what will float? Use the materials on your table to test which things float and which sink? Do they all float in the same way? Make sure your recorder is still capturing your investigation!
What will sink and what will float? WHAT HAPPENED? Sort your fruits and vegetables again into two groups…the ones that did float and those that didn’t float! Make sure your recorder is still capturing your investigation! Have a discussion in your science team about your discovery!
What questions do you have about your results? Your organizer should take a few minutes to record your questions using the Netbook (laptop, classroom computer, or paper journal) to add to your portfolio. Make sure your recorder is capturing your discussion as well! 6