CDDA 2018 reporting Mette Lund Biodiversity group, EEA


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Presentation transcript:

CDDA 2018 reporting Mette Lund Biodiversity group, EEA Expert group on reporting, 21 March 2017

Current reporting approach in CDDA Reportnet CDR Geometry (Shapefiles) Tabular data (XML/MS Access files) Upload as package common identifier CDDA 2018 approach re-using INSPIRE Protected Sites INSPIRE model Protected Sites (GML file) Geometry and core elements Tabular data (XML/XLS files) Elements NOT included in the INSPIRE data models Reportnet CDR Upload as package common identifier CDDA Designated Area Various IDs Designated area type Official area (ha) Major ecosystem type Marine percentage Metadata fields Current reporting approach: INSPIRE needs to be implemented by the MS in parallel CDDA match Geometry of site Site name Designation date Designation type IUCN category

Two ways of re-using INSPIRE models (general application) Alternative A via (INSPIRE compliant) file INSPIRE model Geometry and core elements GML file Tabular data (without elements included in the INSPIRE data models) common identifier Upload as package Reportnet CDR INSPIRE model Geometry and core elements Web feature service link Tabular data (without elements included in the INSPIRE data models) common identifier Alternative B via INSPIRE download service (WFS) Current reporting approach: INSPIRE needs to be implemented by the MS in parallel Step 1 - Upload Step 2 – Harvest gml file from INSPIRE web service

Communalities in protected sites reporting data Natura 2000 data flow CDDA data flow geometry site name designation date designation type

The INSPIRE PS; the current CDDA; PRELIMINARY Natura 2000 Matching table The INSPIRE PS; the current CDDA; PRELIMINARY Natura 2000 INSPIRE Protected Sites fields CDDA field Default value Natura 2000 field Geometry   shape Shape inspireID (3 elements) PSlocalId PSnamespace PSversionId legalFoundationDate YEAR Various date fields legalFoundationDocument  N/A - (no CDDA mapping) To be investigated siteDesignation (3 elements) designationScheme cdda Natura2000 designation DESIG_ABBR SPA/SAC/SCI/pSCI percentageUnderDesignation 100% iucn Iucn IUCNCAT notApplicable - siteName SITE_NAME siteProtectionClassification natureConservation