Welcome Wildcats Curriculum Night 2018
Our Class Schedule Opening (8:20 – 8:30) Announcements 1st Period (8:32 – 9:17) Reading/Language Arts 2nd Period (9:19 – 10:04) Cycle (Tech, Library, Music, Art, RTI) 3rd Period (10:06- 10:51) Reading/Language Arts 4th Period (10:54 – 11:39) Lunch/Intramurals 5th Period (11:42 – 12:22) Math 6th Period (12:24 – 1:09) Math 7th Period (1:11 – 1:54) P.E. (Gym Shoes Required) 8th Period (1:56 – 2:40) Social Studies/Science Closing (2:45 – 2:50) Dismissal
Reading/Language Arts Curriculum: Comprehension, vocabulary, and phonics skills Fluency/Oral Reading Grammar skills Writing skills Spelling & Handwriting
Social Studies Curriculum: Map Skills Early Americans French & Indian War Revolutionary War United States Constitution/Government Westward Expansion through Lewis & Clark
Homework Homework is assigned daily. It is the student’s responsibility to record assignments in the assignment notebook each day. Upcoming tests and projects are posted on the school’s web-site and updated each week at www.summithill.org . * * If your child is absent, please arrange for the work missed to be sent home with another student or picked up in the office. It is easy to fall behind!!
Assignment Notebook Used to record homework: You will have math and language homework daily Used as your hall pass. Signed by teacher & carried with you to the bathroom, office, library…..
Homework Help Assignments and class information are posted weekly on my webpage If your child is struggling with a particular problem or assignment and you are unable to help him/her, please initial or sign that problem so that I know he/she attempted to complete the assignment. This will let me know your child needs reteaching or more support with that skill. Academic Assistance is available after school. Please, send a note with your child letting me know he/she will be staying after. Include in the note how your child will be getting home from Academic Assistance.
Late Assignments A notice of the missing assignment will be sent home for a parent or guardian’s signature. The student will be given the option to go to lunch study hall to complete the assignment. The signed notice is due along with the completed assignment the next day. Any students who receives more than five missing assignments in one quarter will be placed in turn about (lunch study hall) for the remainder of the quarter Students who are receiving a failing grade at the mid-term or end of quarter will be placed in turn about )lunch study for the remainder or the quarter or until their grade improves.
Power School Grading Scale Grade Weighting Formative Assessments 25% 89 – 80 B 79 – 70 C 69 – 60 D 59 – 50 F Formative Assessments 25% (measures progress towards mastery) Summative Assessments 75% (measures mastery)
Summative Assessments Mandatory Reassessments Optional Reassessments For each summative assessment any student who receives a score lower than 70% will automatically be reassessed The most recent assessment grade will be the All students are allowed one summative reassessment per subject for the opportunity to raise their score The most recent assessment grade will be used in power school
THE WALKER WAY Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe
Classroom Rules & Consequences Rules: 1. Listen Carefully 2. Follow Directions. 3. Work Quietly. Do not disturb others who are working. 4. Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions. 5. Respect school and personal property. 6. Work and play safely.
Classroom Rules & Consequences 1. Warning 2. Behavior slip moved to student’s pocket. 3. Three Behavior slips moved to pocket in one week results in a minor infraction - Parent Phone Call, Time Out From Friday Fun *After three minor infractions a student will be referred to the assistant principal. 4. Major behavior problems will be referred to the assistant principal for immediate action. A major referral form will be completed and parents or guardians will be contacted immediately.
Rewards Individual PAWS to be used at PAWMART Friday Fun Time Class PAWS - Team OSU Group Rewards
Have A Great Year! Please, feel free to contact me anytime throughout the school year at: (815) 464-2285 or e-mail me at cmaranto@summithill.org.