Today’s Special September, 9 2016 Learning Target I can understand the classroom rules and procedures.
As simple as that Go Be Do Scooby –Doo
Let’s Stay connected Remind 101 text @7hg83 to (902) 707-0176
Welcome to Mrs. Smith’s Classroom Procedures and Guidelines
Who is Ms. Smith as a person? Things that I enjoy: --Reading --Talking to family and friends --Technology!! --Computers --Book --Students enjoy knowing that you are a REAL person! Sharing this type of information breaks down the invisible wall between the teacher and the student. It lets them know that you are a regular person who enjoys regular things outside of school.
Will Ms. Smith treat me fairly? Yes, Always!
What will I be doing this year?
How will I be graded? Unit 1 Global Historian 20 % Unit 2 The Near East 30 % Unit 3 Early and Classical Greece 30 % Unit 4 The Roman Empire 20 % Term Mark 80% Final Exam 20% Total 100% ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mrs. Smith’s Classroom Discipline Plan Rules/Guidelines Procedures
What are the rules in this classroom? Be Respectful Do your work Ask lots of questions Participate Take risks Benefit from the devices Bring your laptops, Ipads, smart phones to class Leave your working space CLEAN
Guideline 1. Follow directions the first time they are given. 2. Note today that any work submitted needs to be submitted in MLA format
Success during the semester
No personal grooming during class. No Eating in class Guideline No personal grooming during class. No Eating in class
Special Guideline This classroom is a “No Whining Zone”. That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please respect the “No Whining Zone” this semester.
Classroom Nuances
Classroom Discussions There are No stupid questions
Classroom Discussions There are No stupid questions
Research Paper **Copy of “Successful Teaching” --Thank you Rosemary Wong! This is a life saver! --Thank you Mrs. Wong! The unique number paper grading system has saved me hours of valuable time! --Students have told me that they wish all teachers would agree on one heading. It is very confusing for them.
Finish Classwork Early “What do I do next?”
Use of Phone
When a student is absent … When a student is absent
When there is drills… Students will calmly and silently follow the procedures of each drill.
Class Dismissal “Have a nice rest of the day!” The teacher dismisses you, NOT the bell. Do not start packing up prior to the bell. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with “Have a nice rest of the day!”
“I truly believe in your potential and I know that you have the ability to succeed! Have an awesome year!” – Mrs. Smith