2017 Journey to Excellence
Why JTE? JTE scorecards offer these benefits: A framework for planning the year with standards based on what successful units do to continually improve. A method for evaluating your unit in tangible ways (number of campouts, number of youth advancing, etc.) Guidance in areas where you might do better and early warning of potential problems. Specific guidelines and standards of what is considered good performance. Recognition for good Scouting: bronze, silver or gold. Benchmarking to get ideas and tips from other good units.
Review Progress At the end of the year and at regular intervals throughout the year, monitor your progress as you go for gold in JTE. You can try a “thorns, roses and buds” approach or look at things you want to “start, stop and continue.” Either way, learn where you aren’t maximizing your JTE points and find specific improvements. Appoint a volunteer to hold the unit accountable for those changes. Submission due 31 Dec
2017 Requirements
2017 Requirements (Con’t)
2017 Requirements (Con’t)
Resources Official Website “Bryan on Scouting” Blogs http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Awards/JourneyToExcellence.aspx “Bryan on Scouting” Blogs http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2015/05/12/heres-your-chance-to-help-make-journey-to-excellence-jte-even-better/ http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2016/05/09/help-2017-journey-excellence-scorecards-will-even-better/
Comment from “Bryan on Scouting” Blog Joe: “I’ve been Scoutmaster 37 years. I scoffed at these ‘measurements’ of success for most of those years, until JTE challenged us with the physical fitness requirement, service projects, and other worthwhile activities. I realized our troop wasn’t doing everything it could be doing, and wasn’t even doing things it USED to do…like getting the youth leaders involved in the budget process…we used to ALWAYS do that but for some reason we stopped. Now I report progress on JTE each month in my written report to the troop committee. Makes the end-of-year summary a snap!”