Save Time, Money, and Energy by Virtualizing Your Environment Mica Lyman and Shawn Harpe Oklahoma State University Copyright Mica Lyman, Shawn Harpe This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Picture of our Datacenter
IT departments are experiencing an increased demand for IT services in a shorter amount of time while operating with limited or decreased financial and human resources
Main Problems we faced Overcrowding Cooling Shortage of Network Ports
Crowded cabling Electrical costs Prices of new servers Test/Development
Topics we will cover Review of Infrastructure Methods that saved us time Ways we cut costs How we saved energy
How we began this virtualization project…
Saving Time
A new server requires time to: Rack Hookup Build the Server
(4x250servers = A Lot of Time)
Save Money Shortage of money IT is being asked to do more with less
Saving Energy Heat/Power Total Amps Used
Kilowatt hours 2850 = 370/year 2950 = 215/year
Conclusion Successes Pain Points
Successes Less Time spent bringing up new services Support through one vendor
Less physical Servers Virtual Center VMware converter
Pain Points Documentation Size of Hardware Access Rights
Lack of Training Over Utilization of Hardware Processor Family VMware licensing