CWIC Partner Report : ISRO WGISS-42, Frascati, Italy Nitant Dube Space Applications Centre, ISRO Ahmedabad, INDIA
Overview of ISRO connector Interface with CWIC User CWIC (Production) Registered DIFS MOSDAC NRSC Data Ordering System CSW Data Ordering System OpenSearch Connector Connector MOSDAC Metadata NRSC Metadata
Integration with CWIC (Status) Following two ISRO data centers interfaced with CWIC MOSDAC: Operational using CSW interface (20 DIFS are Registered) Data is free, only Registration is Required NRSC: Operational using OpenSearch Interface (5 DIFS are Registered) Bhuvan EO data is free and can be downloaded directly using URL in the metadata (2 DIFS) All other products are on chargeable basis and requires registration (3 DIFS)
MOSDAC Metadata/data MOSDAC : Meteorological and Oceanographic Satellite data archival Centre Following Satellite and Metadata/Products are available from MOSDAC INSAT-3D IMAGER (Done) (14 DIFS) Kalpana-1 VHRR (Done)(6 DIFS)
MOSDAC Data Ordering
MOSDAC Cart page for Ordering
NRSC Metadata/data NRSC :National Remote Sensing Centre Following Satellite and Metadata/Products currently available from NRSC Data from Bhuvan NRSC Open Earth Observation Data Archive (NOEDA) Products available through CWIC (2 DIFS) (Direct Download) IMS-1 Hyper-spectral Data (Free) (Done) Oceansat-2 GAC L1B products (Free) (Done) Commercial Data (3 DIFS) (Ordering) Resourcesat-2 LISS-3, LISS-4 and AWiFS data (Done)
NRSC Ordering Login Page
NRSC Cart page for Ordering
OceanSat2 –OCM –LEVEL1B
Resourcesat-2 LIS3 Standard (Feed)
Resourcesat-2 LIS3 Standard (XML)
Future Plans Registration of MOSDAC INSAT-3DR DIFS (14 DIFS) Registration of CARTOSAT-1 DIFS (Initiated) Registration of more DIFS from NRSC Exploring possibility of Enabling of OpenSearch for MOSDAC connector openID based authentication, in starting for users coming through CWIC link, this is enable and encourage CEOS users to use CWIC
Thank You Contributions ISRO : SaiKalpana, Nitesh Kaushik, Utkarsh CWIC : Eugene, Michael Morahan, Yonsook Support : Entire CWIC and WGISS Team