User Group Meeting November 8th 2017
Today’s agenda: Welcome Development since last meeting Development not done Development about to be launched Suggestions for future development Voting Lunch Recording of off the job learning – how do we develop this? Security update Blue Sky ideas Excellence – what does it look like? Close
VQManager Enhancements
General Enhancements VQManager
VQManager Increased availability of reports We have made some of the existing reports more widely available for other types of users. For the EQA, we have added: Assessment plan recorded times (where this section is switched on for the centre) Progress Review report For the IQA, we have added: Learner Contact Details Progress Reviews report Assessor performance Learner Activity For the Assessor, we have added: For the OSU/LM we have added: Evidence Matrix Unit Sign Off report Guided Learning Hours (GLH need to be set up in your centre for data to show here) Gap Analysis Framework Tracker Users who logged in Assessor Performance VQManager
A 'globe' function has been added to reports so the whole qualification can be seen in a pop up The global view (already available in the IQA/IV sampling plan tab) has now been added to both the Unit sign off and BTEC course progress reports. It works in exactly the same way, click on the globe icon and a pop up appears showing a full version of the report. This is especially important where the report is too wide to be displayed on the screen. VQManager
VQManager Credit values have been added to certain reports Credit value information has been added to the following reports: Learner Status Details - add total credits for signed off units (CA) Qualification Progress - add total credits for signed off units (CA ) Framework Tracker - add total credits assigned and total credits signed off (All) Unit Sign Off - add the unit credit values and the total credits for signed off units (All) VQManager
Diary Many of New Apprenticeship Standards require the learner to make entries into a diary, similar to the Activity Log to record reflective accounts. We have added a new tab to VQManager called Learner Diary which is visible and editable to the Learner and the Assessor, and view only for the IQA/ IV and EQA/EV. The additional function of creating evidence from the diary entry is slick and will save learners and assessors a significant amount of time when recording information on VQManager. VQManager The Diary is hidden from view but is available free of charge and can be added to your centre upon request.
VQManager Colours changed on Unit Sign Off report and Sampling Plan We have updated some of the colours in reports to make things clearer. 'Unit not assigned' and 'Unit assigned' are unchanged. Assessor sign off is now Pale Green IQA sign off is now Dark Sea Green The affected reports are: Unit Sign Off report IV sampling report BTEC course progress report IV sampling plan VQManager
Adding Learner and Line Manager confirmation to Progress Reviews Assessors are now able to ask Learners and Line Managers, if applicable, (this is hidden if no LM is assigned to that learner) to confirm Progress Reviews. This applies to both pre-set and ad-hoc Progress Reviews. VQManager
VQManager Add a new page for requesting to set/reset password We have increased security and updated the process for resetting a password. It applies when a new user account is created, or when a user has forgotten their password and needs to reset it. When clicking on the ‘forgotten password’ link on the log in page, the user will be required to: - Enter their user name (as we currently do) - Complete a security code As long as both user name and code is supplied successfully, and there is an email address recorded in VQM, an email will be sent to the user. The message will contain a link to a page where the new password can be entered. This increases security because the emailed link contains a unique security key, without which it’s not possible to change the password on the account. It effectively verifies that the person trying to enter a new password is the user who owns the account. VQManager
Calendar We have created a new tab on the Home page for learners, assessors and IQA/IVs called Calendar. The calendar pulls data from various tabs throughout VQManager to display an up-to-date picture of activity on the selected learner’s account. As work is carried out across the system, it is automatically entered into the Calendar to give an at-a-glance view for users. VQManager
VQManager Progress Reviews changes - planned dates, % progress. The Progress Review tab has been enhanced to allow greater flexibility in setting up reviews in advance. A Centre Admin can still create a set of reviews, spaced a pre-defined number of weeks apart, as they have previously been able to do. The new enhancement allows an Assessor to create ad hoc Progress Reviews with a Planned date at some time in the future. This will trigger the usual notifications in the ‘upcoming Progress Review’ area of the To Do tab. VQManager
VQManager Cont: Progress Reviews changes - planned dates, % progress. Completed reviews have a new area whereby the current qualification progress pulls through onto the Progress Review. The date the review was saved by the Assessor appears on the screen along Enhancement August 2017 Version 1 22/08/17 with the percentage completion for each qualification on that particular date. You will need to save the review with an Actual date and then re-open it to see this. NB - The percentage completions will only appear on reviews completed after this enhancement. Unfortunately we were not able to backdate this feature to include it in reviews that were already complete. VQManager
Learner Enhancements VQManager
Learner reminder e-mails to default to Monday instead of None Previously, the notification e-mails for learners were set to ‘none’ by default. Now, when you create a new learner, the emails default to Monday. Learners can still go to their Personal Details page and choose another day to receive these e-mails, or change the setting to ‘none’ if they are happy to manage their work without these reminders. Scroll down the page: VQManager
Learner visibility of unit target dates Where unit target dates are switched on for a centre, we have added a column on the ‘Unit status, evidence matrix and sign off’ tab to indicate unit target dates set by the assessor. VQManager
Assessor Enhancements VQManager
Option added to “open all and see gaps” in qualification tree We have added an option when opening criteria in the qualification tree so that it’s possible to open all criteria and show the gaps highlighted in a contrasting colour in one click. VQManager
Opening criteria when 'select all' is ticked for a group of criteria When you select the “tick all” icon the unit (or Performance criteria or range – depending on which “tick all” you select) opens up all the relevant ticked criteria beneath. VQManager
Add notification for assessor when new learner is added. We have added a notification for the Assessor on the To Do list when new learners are assigned. This table has a 'remove' tick box in it so that the assessor can hide the entry if already viewed. There is a link “view” which when selected takes the assessor to that new learner’s Unit Assignments page. VQManager
IQA Enhancements VQManager
Allow filtering of Sampling Plan by Curriculum Area Users are now able to filter the Sampling Plan and also the sampling plan report by Curriculum Area as well as Employer. VQManager
Changed layout of IQA unit sign off for clarity We have adjusted the layout of the IQA/IV unit sign off page to make it clearer. The layout previously made it look as though the “unit not sampled” and “I confirm...” were alternatives when in reality this isn’t the case. When signing off a unit the “I confirm….” box should always be ticked. The “Unit not sampled” should only be ticked when relevant. VQManager
VQManager Change wording at IQA qual sign off We have altered the wording at qualification sign off. The IV /IQA comments box now reads Feedback rather than Summative Assessment because this better reflects the IQA role. VQManager
Automatically updating sampling plan when evidence signed off by IQA/IV There is a new section within the sampling plan “sampled in evidence” which now allows for an automatic update to the plan when a piece of evidence is sampling for that unit. It is located below the existing "Sampled in sampling plan" section. The idea of adding "Sampled in evidence" under the existing "Sampled in plan" checkbox in the sampling plan is to allow these two sections to function independently of each other and hopefully will also be easier for the IQA/IVs to view. By putting them in separate boxes, it shows users which dates were manually entered, and which were placed there by the system. 'Sampled in sample plan' for manual dates, and 'sampled in evidence' for automated dates. The most recent date is displayed in the summary view. Previous dates can be viewed by clicking to view the audit trail. This will include the most recent date as well, for clarity. We know that an IQA/IV may need to verify a unit in the sampling plan more than once and this is now possible without losing the information around the previous sampling. Multiple sampling events in the sampling plan plus audit trail is now available, but currently limited to one sampling per IV/learner/unit per day. VQManager
EQA Enhancements VQManager
Simplification of EQA/EV selectors On the Verify tab, in order to simplify the EQA/EV access to information, we have removed the requirement to select a Verifier or Assessor on all the tabs. The EV/EQA can select “All” in both these drop down categories. This means that as long as the EV/EQA has the correct verifiers, assessors and learners assigned to then they can go straight to the learner they wish to view, rather than needing to know which verifier and assessor to select to see the learner they are interested in. Learner Progress Summary: We have added an “All” option in the IQA selector so this area can filter learners by assessor only. Assessor Activity Log: We have added an “All” option in the IQA/ IV selector so the EV/EQA can simply choose the progress reviews of any linked assessor. VQManager
Centre Admin Enhancements VQManager
VQManager Adding to Learner Entry Details report We have added several new data columns for the Learner Entry details report for the Centre Administrator, namely the following: Employer Qual Sign Off Date - assessor Qual Sign Off Date - IV Date Results Submitted to Awarding Body Date Certificate Received Date Sent Certificate to Learner Awarding Body - learner enrolment number Date Registered (awarding body) Old look New look VQManager
Change to how default units tick box works Default units are assigned to qualifications by the Organisation Administrator Default units are generally mandatory units but can also be optional units which are always completed by your learners doing that particular qualification with your organisation. Where no default units are set up for that qualification and organisation, the box is greyed out and therefore cannot be ticked and this pop up displays: When you hover over the tick box this pop up displays. Where default units have been assigned to a qualification for your organisation the box is darker and able to be selected. When the CA has ticked the box to assign default units and clicked save at the bottom of the page, the tick box will now remain ticked in the user profile, but it will now be greyed out so it can't be un-ticked. VQManager
Simplifying the setting of an assessor as trainee or qualified In order to simplify this process we have added a new box in the “Roles” section of the “User profile” area for the Centre Administrator. It is now at this point where the CA selects whether the assessor is a trainee or a qualified one. You cannot tick both. Instead of assigning the assessor to each qualification and selecting trainee or qualified, there is now just a single column to indicate which qualification/s they will be assessing. We will be running an update process to populate this column for all existing assessors on VQManager for your organisation. When the assessor becomes qualified the qualified box needs to be ticked. This will automatically remove the tick from the trainee box. The trainee assessor's To Do list must be empty before making the change (if the assessor has work pending at the time of the change, it can make some evidence disappear from view for users). There is a pop up reminder for this. Note that it is not possible to change a qualified assessor to a trainee. If you need to do this, you will need to contact SkillWise. VQManager
E-mail notification to learner when account is created Centre Admins are now able to ask the system to email learners with their VQManager log in details when they create a new account. (Please note, unfortunately this feature won’t currently work for accounts created via integration, or using the Mass Uploader.) A new tick box appears under the username and password fields which will trigger an email to the above to the new user. The message will also contain the username. This feature can also be used by the Centre Admin to trigger a password re-set email for any user. In the case of password re-sets, the username is not included in the email, for security. The Centre Admin can open the User Profile and use the tick box as above, or they can click on the new email icon on the User List. VQManager
Linking an OSU account to all learners automatically We have introduced a feature that allows a specified OSU account within a centre to be automatically linked to all active learner accounts in that centre. This will allow, for example, an administrator to have access to all learner accounts for monitoring purposes, without the Centre Admin having to manually link the learners. Other user types can be linked to the specified account manually. If you’d like to use this feature, please contact SkillWise, so we can set it up for you. This function is limited to one OSU account per centre. VQManager
Fields added to Learner Status Details report We have added extra columns to this report and it now includes: actual date of latest progress review qual sign off date VQManager
Employer and Curriculum Area selectors added to reports We have added additional filters to the following reports so that they now can be filtered by Employer and Curriculum Area. Unit sign off Guided learning hours Progress reviews Learner activity BTEC course progress Qualification progress VQManager
Centre Admin can now copy assessment/activity plans from one assessor to another This new feature has been made available to the Centre Admin and File Librarian. The CA selects an assessor in the top selector which then reveals the assessment plan templates available to that assessor. The templates are grouped by qualification for ease of use. Having selected which assessment plan template(s) to copy, the CA selects the assessors to copy them to in the list at the bottom of the page. VQManager
Completed awaiting release and underway. Allow hyperlinks in evidence comments so that evidence can be stored elsewhere and linked Add pop-up warning if user is saving evidence with no file attachment Additional dashboard - no evidence submitted for last 30 days Sharing folders in File Library as well as files Improving creation and assigning of Frameworks Allow archiving of qualifications that have expired Add Curriculum Area to Bulk Edit function Allow Centre Admin to see Employer list and add new Employers Where learner confirmation wasn't requested in assessment plan, add a message saying that Add Assessor To Do list item - Learner Activity Log items added by others in last 14 days Link IQA to specific learners and/or specific quals Underway Reallocation of previous sampling planning when there is a change of IQA IQA Collaboration (supporting trainee IQA’s) VQManager
Not developed VQManager My Progress Summary - can it have maybe an additional grey portion to show % completion based on learner ticks not confirmed by Q yet ( this is a massive job for possible a small gain, we are open to further discussion). Assigning specific units to assessors within a qual. Other units to be hidden. (this needs extensive further discussion to establish real concern, we could consider a filter to show only units that assessor is interested in – but to hide is a large piece of work) Email to assessor if anything new goes in the learner activity log (shortly to be released as a message on the To Do tab rather than an email) Email alert to the learner if a change is made in their activity log (this already appears as an item on the To Do tab) VQManager
Not developed - unpopular Add comments box in the evidence form for assessor to write comments to IQA not visible to learner In activity logs - some kind of discreet communication between the assessor and other assessors, and/or the IQA Can the learner receive an email if they don't log in for 2 weeks? A 'pencil tick' solution allowing an assessor to identify that evidence partially satisfies a criterion Can the assessor receive a mail if they don't log in for 2 weeks? Can a learner be auto archived when an IQA signs off the entire framework? Make the reports automatically run on a periodic basis Reminder of not developed – unpopular 2016 Add hyperlinks to assessor comments Increase file size limit Add cloud storage facility Automatically sign off assessment plan when all evidence signed off Shortcut on To Do list to sign off assessment plan when all criteria ticked off Where assessor is assigned to learner, roll up list of quals assigned to assessor VQManager
New development requests VQManager
Recording of off the job learning – how do we develop this? VQManager
Security update (password strength etc.) VQManager
Excellence what does it look like? VQManager
Website updates: VQManager Index New Training videos New Apprenticeship Standards Reports VQManager
Thank you VQManager