Evolution of the Role and Functions of the Treasury Group 1 Evolution of the Role and Functions of the Treasury Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia Chisinau, 2 June 2016
1. Main Facts / Structure Arme-nia Bela-rus Kazakh-stan Kyrgyz-stan Mol-dova Russia Year Treasury Formed 1996 1993 1994 1992 Is the Treasury part of the MoF (P) separate from the MoF (O) P MoF Agency Indepen-dent Service Total Staffing of the Central Treasury (number) ~70 27 130 42 43 797 Regional Treasury Offices (number) -- 135 204 55 38 86 Total Staffing in Regional Offices (number) 566 ~3.3 thou. 316 255 42 thou. Number of Clients 3 thou. 11 thou. 15 thou. 6.3 thou. 3.4 thou. 300 thou. Population 3.5 mil. 9.5 mil. 17.7 mil. 6 mil. 146.5 mil.
2. Functions T Arme-nia Bela-rus Kazakh-stan Kyrgyz-stan Mol-dova Russia Management of the central financial management information system (including the general ledger) + Processing of payments on behalf of the government Budget execution reporting Public sector accounting policy, instructions and guidelines - -(MoF) Consolidated financial reporting Cash management and forecasting Management of government accounts (TSA and other) Debt management Training and education -(MoF)EC IT MoF - Ministry of Finance EC-Educational Center
2.1. Other Existing Functions Revenue Accounting Methodology of Treasury-based Budget Execution Methodological Advice to Budget Entities Public Internal Financial Control (Russia)
3. Strategies T Arme-nia Belarus Kazakh-stan Kyrgyz-stan Mol-dova Russia PFM Strategy (Action Plan) covering the Treasury + Treasury Strategy (Action Plan) Other Relevant Strategy Document
4. Do you see a need to strengthen / develop further / add new functions or activities in the future? Monitoring and Analysis Cash Management and Forecasting Risk Management Budget Execution Methodology Accounting and Financial Reporting Methodology (cash and accrual reporting harmonization) Training and advice to participants in the budgetary process Service provision Communication with other information systems
5. Do you expect some functions currently performed by the Treasury not to be required in the future? The role and functions of territorial offices are expected to change Treasury control functions should be modernized and reduced in some countries