Group Fitness Etiquette
If you have to leave early, please stay towards the back.
Please DO NOT talk or laugh during class. It is disrespectful and disruptive to the instructor and participants!
Please wear clean gym shoes
Make sure to wear appropriate athletic apparel
Please be respectful to ALL of the instructors and participants of the class!
Wipe off equipment with a clean towel and disinfectant
Always put any weights, including dumbbells, barbells, plate, etc Always put any weights, including dumbbells, barbells, plate, etc., back where you got them between each set and when you are finished with them.
Please dispose of trash in appropriate places.
Let the instructor know of any hazards to participants OR the class.
If you’re using a machine or a bench, don’t just sit on it between sets, let other people use it when you’re not.
Don’t leave personal items like water bottles, clothing, books, etc Don’t leave personal items like water bottles, clothing, books, etc. sitting on benches or machines so other people can use the equipment too. If you need a locker, use a locker!
Please do not enter the classroom before the current class has finished.
Water must be in an enclosed unbreakable container Water must be in an enclosed unbreakable container. Food is not permitted. We recommend bringing a may need it!
Cell phones must be off in the studios.
All equipment (mats, steps, balls, etc) should be returned to the proper storage area.