Our New Nation By :Your Group Name
Presentation Organization of Government Rights & Responsibilities of Government Leaders Laws Economy Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens Motto Pledge National Flag, Symbol, and Anthem This is an example of how your presentation should be organized.
Organization of Government This is where you will describe your system of government for your new nation. Explain you system of government. Is there a king, emperor, dictator, etc?
Rights and Responsibilities of Government Leaders Executive Legislative Judicial Explain the what the government leaders can and cannot do.
Economy Democratic/Republic Free trade Capitalism What is the economic system? What will the currancy be? What about taxes?
Laws Describe some of the laws of the country. Take this seriously! You are determining how successful your new country will be.
Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens Explain what the citizens can and cannot do.
Motto “In God We Trust” What will your countries theme, saying, etc be? What are your ideals?
Pledge “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” This is something that states your beliefs, such as the Pledge of Allegiance, that we say everyday.
National Flag, Symbol, & Anthem 1. Using Microsoft Paint or another medium, create your national flag. Be prepared to explain why the flag looks like it does. 2. Select your national symbol. Be prepared to explain why you chose that symbol. 3. Your group needs to create a verse for your national anthem. It can be to any tune you wish.
Resources All pictures are from Microsoft ClipArt Use MLA format to cite all of your resources for pictures etc.