Dreams carry the seeds of inspiration and growth.
Greet each new day with renewed optimism and openness.
No matter how bad things seem … it always helps to get up, dress up and show up.
Walking clears the mind and invigorates the soul… … especially if you do it while smiling.
Expand your world. Spend more time out of your comfort zone.
Always be genuine. Its the best part of you.
Stay in touch with who you are. Sit in silence for a few minutes each day.
When you imagine, make your possibilities limitless.
Dont let other people define who you are or keep you from becoming what you can be.
Be careful when comparing yourself to others; … you have no idea where their life journey has taken them.
Its important to make peace with yesterday… to keep it from becoming today.
If you give time, time, it can heal almost anything.
Courage and inspiration can be found in places you least expect.
Things in life arent always fair … but thats life.
Bend. It makes room for the things you love.
Spend more time listening.
Spend more time creating beauty.
Be a part of making the world a better place.
When you laugh, make it big, long and often.
You have the time…use it well.
IF I HAD THE TIME … Music by David Arkenstone, The Rug Merchant Slide show by Debra Rozanski, Ph.D., Coordinator, Employee Assistance Program October 2009
Jeanne Hartley and Debra Rozanski, Ph.D. Co-facilitators A Lunchtime Learning Session Hosted by the Employee Assistance Program IF I HAD THE TIME…