Innovative Strategies for Public Involvement for TDOT Region 2, Sweet Sixteen Winner Anne Freeman, Planning Manager, Long Range Planning Division
Map of Tennessee’s Four Regions
TDOT Long Range Planning Organization
Description of Problem & Need Historically low public participation in TDOT planning efforts Only participation came from opponents of proposed transportation projects Needed a wider cross-section of public involvement engaged TDOT Office of Community Transportation Planner discussing a transportation project with a citizen at a public meeting.
Research Goals Design and plan community workshops Identify innovative participation techniques Effectively communicate transportation planning Engage all citizens TDOT Office of Community Transportation Planner presenting to a wide group of stakeholders.
Implementation Benefits Improved relationships between communities and TDOT Improved customer satisfaction surveys Passage of IMPROVE Act, increasing gas tax for road improvements Increased involvement from industry and businesses through freight advisory committees IMPROVE Act: Delivers 962 transportation projects across all 95 counties Gradually increasing the gas tax over a three year period while reducing sales tax on groceries giving all Tennesseans a net tax cut, a fact confirmed by Americans for Tax Reform Maintains Tennessee’s ranking as having the lowest taxes in the nation as a percentage of personal income TDOT Office of Community Transportation Planner presenting at the I-65 Corridor Study Public Workshop.
Additional Photos – Public Involvement TDOT Office of Community Transportation staff interacting with students attending a transportation-related workshop to encourage involvement in the transportation process. Presenting to the Dale Hollow Rural Planning Organization and community leaders on Rural Regional Transportation Plans.
Thank You! Anne Freeman 615-253-2430