QUESTIONS Who did you meet yesterday? Who telephoned you? Who did telephone you? INCORRECT
SUBJECT & OBJECT Mary ate a lot of rice SUBJECT: Mary OBJECT: A lot of rice
WHAT’S THE QUESTION? Mary ate a lot of rice Who ate a lot of rice? What did Mary eat?
SUBJECT QUESTIONS For SUBJECT questions, we don’t need auxiliaries Somebody hit me Who hit you?
OBJECT QUESTIONS For OBJECT questions, we need the auxiliaries DO/DOES for the present and DID for the past I hit somebody Who did you hit?
LET’S PRACTICE! Brian likes this car Who likes this car? What does Brian like?
MORE PRACTICE I play with my little brother Who do you play with? Horror films frighten me What frightens you? I sit next to Maria in English Who do you sit next to in English? Robin is going to bake some biscuits What is Robin going to bake?