Chapter 22 Opener Structural changes accompany changes in function Evolution-2e-Chapter-22-Opener.jpg
Figure 22.1 Averaged over long periods, the rate of evolution may be low, even though there are episodes of rapid evolution Evolution-2e-Fig-22-01-0.jpg
Figure 22.1 Averaged over long periods, the rate of evolution may be low, even though there are episodes of rapid evolution Evolution-2e-Fig-22-01-0R.jpg
Figure 22.2 An example of stasis: specimens of the bivalve Macrocallista maculata from a living population and from fossil deposits dated at 1, 2, 4, and 17 Mya Evolution-2e-Fig-22-02-0.jpg
Figure 22.3 A quantitative expression of stasis in shell characters of bivalves in the fossil record Evolution-2e-Fig-22-03-0.jpg
Figure 22.3 A quantitative expression of stasis in shell characters of bivalves in the fossil record (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-03-1.jpg
Figure 22.3 A quantitative expression of stasis in shell characters of bivalves in the fossil record (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-03-2.jpg
Figure 22.4 A comparison of empirically measured rates of character evolution with results from several models Evolution-2e-Fig-22-04-0.jpg
Figure 22.4 A comparison of empirically measured rates of character evolution with results from several models (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-04-1.jpg
Figure 22.4 A comparison of empirically measured rates of character evolution with results from several models (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-04-2.jpg
Figure 22.4 A comparison of empirically measured rates of character evolution with results from several models (Part 3) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-04-3.jpg
Figure 22.4 A comparison of empirically measured rates of character evolution with results from several models (Part 4) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-04-4.jpg
Figure 22.5 An example offered by Richard Goldschmidt as a possible case of saltational evolution Evolution-2e-Fig-22-05-0.jpg
Figure 22.6 Two very different taxa may have evolved gradually from a common ancestor, even though no form precisely intermediate between them ever existed Evolution-2e-Fig-22-06-0.jpg
Figure 22.7 A model of the evolution of color pattern in Müllerian mimics such as Heliconius butterflies Evolution-2e-Fig-22-07-0.jpg
Figure 22.7 A model of the evolution of color pattern in Müllerian mimics such as Heliconius butterflies Evolution-2e-Fig-22-07-0R.jpg
Figure 22.8 Two “living fossils” Evolution-2e-Fig-22-08-0.jpg
Figure 22.9 Adaptive genetic changes may restrict subsequent evolutionary potential Evolution-2e-Fig-22-09-0.jpg
Figure 22.9 Adaptive genetic changes may restrict subsequent evolutionary potential (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-09-1.jpg
Figure 22.9 Adaptive genetic changes may restrict subsequent evolutionary potential (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-09-2.jpg
Figure 22.10 Complex structures, if lost, are generally not regained, but their function may be Evolution-2e-Fig-22-10-0.jpg
Figure 22.11 The right hand (in dorsal view) of two members of the bear family, a brown bear (left) and the giant panda (right) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-11-0.jpg
Figure 22.12 The propensity for evolutionary changes to be in directions close to the axis of greatest phenotypic variation (in the marine ostracode crustacean Poseidonamicus) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-12-0.jpg
Figure 22.12 The propensity for evolutionary changes to be in directions close to the axis of greatest phenotypic variation (in the marine ostracode crustacean Poseidonamicus) (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-12-1.jpg
Figure 22.12 The propensity for evolutionary changes to be in directions close to the axis of greatest phenotypic variation (in the marine ostracode crustacean Poseidonamicus) (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-12-2.jpg
Figure 22.13 A lungless bolitoglossine salamander (Hydromantes supramontis) captures prey with its extraordinarily long tongue Evolution-2e-Fig-22-13-0.jpg
Figure 22.14 Intermediate stages in the evolution of complex eyes Evolution-2e-Fig-22-14-0.jpg
Figure 22.14 Intermediate stages in the evolution of complex eyes (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-14-1.jpg
Figure 22.14 Intermediate stages in the evolution of complex eyes (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-14-2.jpg
Figure 22.14 Intermediate stages in the evolution of complex eyes (Part 3) Evolution-2e-Fig-22-14-3.jpg
Figure 22.15 A schematic representation of a modular organization of the phenotype and its genetic basis Evolution-2e-Fig-22-15-0.jpg
Figure 22.16 Two ways in which interactions among suites of genes and characters can evolve by changes in pleiotropic effects Evolution-2e-Fig-22-16-0.jpg
Figure 22.16 Two ways in which interactions among suites of genes and characters can evolve by changes in pleiotropic effects Evolution-2e-Fig-22-16-0R.jpg
Figure 22.17 Computer simulations of the diversification of a clade Evolution-2e-Fig-22-17-0.jpg
Figure 22.18 A passive trend: Cope’s rule in Late Cretaceous North American mammals Evolution-2e-Fig-22-18-0.jpg
Figure 22.18 A passive trend: Cope’s rule in Late Cretaceous North American mammals Evolution-2e-Fig-22-18-0R.jpg
Figure 22.19 A driven trend: Cope’s rule in the horse family, Equidae Evolution-2e-Fig-22-19-0.jpg
Figure 22.20 A trend caused by species selection Evolution-2e-Fig-22-20-0.jpg
Figure 22.21 A phylogeny of some genera in the mustard family (Brassicaceae) reveals that DNA content (C-value) has both increased and decreased Evolution-2e-Fig-22-21-0.jpg
Figure 22.21 A phylogeny of some genera in the mustard family (Brassicaceae) reveals that DNA content (C-value) has both increased and decreased Evolution-2e-Fig-22-21-0R.jpg