Seven Principles of Government
Popular Sovereignty Ultimate power and final authority rest with “We the People.” The People
Republicanism The people exercise their power by delegating it to representatives through the election process The People, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch
Federalism Power is divided between the central (national) and local (state) levels of government State and National Governments
Separation of Powers The Constitution separates power at the central level government into three separate branches: legislative, judicial, executive Legislative, executive, judicial
Checks and Balances The Constitution gives each branch controls or “checks” over the other two branches Legislative, executive, and judicial branches
Limited Government The power of the government is limited by the rule of the law – that is, the Constitution and the laws. Government is not all powerful The people, state and national governments
Individual Rights Personal freedoms, personal protections, and equality under the law are guaranteed by the Constitution. The Bill of Rights, and the laws. The People, state and national governments