Objectives of Well-Seismic Ties Well-seismic ties allow well data, measured in units of depth, to be compared to seismic data, measured in units of time This allows us to relate horizon tops identified in a well with specific reflections on the seismic section We use sonic and density well logs to generate a synthetic seismic trace The synthetic trace is compared to the real seismic data collected near the well location Synthetic Trace SLIDE 3 The objectives for performing a well-seismic tie are listed here Wells, of course, are registered in units of depth – feet or meters Seismic data is recorded and usually worked with a vertical scale of 2-way travel time To relate well data to seismic data, and vice versa, we have to handle this change in vertical scale units Thus: Well-seismic ties allow well data, measured in units of depth, to be compared to seismic data, measured in units of time This allows us to relate horizon tops identified in a well with specific reflections on the seismic section We use sonic and density well logs to generate a synthetic seismic trace The synthetic trace is compared to the real seismic data collected near the well location The well-seismic tie is the bridge we need to go from seismic “wiggles” to the rocks that produced the “wiggles” and our interpretation of the subsurface geology Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 1