Onno W. Purbo Onno@indo.net.id Homebrew 2.4GHz Antenna Onno W. Purbo Onno@indo.net.id.


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Presentation transcript:

Onno W. Purbo Onno@indo.net.id Homebrew 2.4GHz Antenna Onno W. Purbo Onno@indo.net.id

Type Of Antenna USB + Parabolic Reflector ¼ Wavelength + Tin Can Antenna Made By M. Ihsan (ihsan@sofrecom.co.id) USB + Tin Can Antenna Made By Judhi Prasetyo (judhi@prasetyo.net)

Tin Can Antenna Made By Judhi Prasetyo (judhi@prasetyo.net) Lina & Onno Purbo

USB + Parabolic Reflector Made By Ihsan@sofrecom.co.id

¼ Wavelength + Tin Can Made By Muhamad Ihsan (ihsan@sofrecom.co.id)

Link Test