Identifying the problem, and coming up with solutions! Keeping Green @ I.S. 52 Identifying the problem, and coming up with solutions! Mr. Sabogal - February 25, 2013
Public Policy Analyst In order to identify and come up to solutions for the problem facing our school we will be using the steps of the public policy analyst. If we complete all the steps of the public policy we will be able to create a policy that resolves the problem. Today’s lesson will only focus on the first three steps of the Public Policy Analyst
Step 1: Define the Problem!
Is there anything wrong here?
Which picture describes our recycling bins? This one… Or This one?
Step 2: Gather the Evidence!
In a small group, discuss… What kind of garbage do you see in our classroom recycling bin? What kind of garbage do you see in our trash bins? Write your answers in your writing notebook. I will give out different locations for different groups to focus on.
What type of garbage was found in each bin? Trash Bin - Recycling Bin -
Step 3: Identify the Causes!
Most people know what can and cannot be recycled, however… WHY do we throw garbage in the trash bin? What do you think? Discuss some possible reasons why students don’t always throw the garbage in the right bin.
Complete Step 3 of the Public Policy Analyst:
What are the causes? Complete Step 3 of the Public Policy Analyst: Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 (Will List all Students Reasons and have students create a complete list in their notebooks) Complete Step 3 of the Public Policy Analyst:
Homework! Research the current recycling policy in your student handbook. Think about how effective the policy is, what changes would you make to make it better? Students will share their homework which will lead into the completion of Step 4, 5, and 6 of the PPA.