For more information contact: Failed Double Studded Adapter (Choke Manifold Test – 4th test @ 10,000 psi; equipment failed) Rig Commissioning – Yard (Jan 28, 2010) New double studded adapter (DSA) delivered from pressure testers – ‘ready to go’ Made up the equipment and readied for testing ~ failed at +/- 10,000 psi (5 minutes into a 10 minute test) Root Cause – Failure Studs not made-up to the DSA properly – had < ½” make-up No equipment verification ~ both ‘long bolting / short bolting’ evident Action – Everyone Trust-n-verify ~ ensure equipment is inspected & ready to go Question stud length anomalies (upon make-up) Establish & maintain buffer zones Ensure CoW 4 1/16” 10K x 2 1/16” 10K DSA Incident Location: Contractor’s Yard: Rig commissioning activities ~ lower pressures worked well…almost up to and including 10,000 psi. Equipment was being hydro-tested and there was a buffer zone with very few people present during test activities. Short bolting and long bolting were evident; but not questioned. DSA was inspected; but evidently new or near new…didn’t dawn on anyone to question the equipment’s integrity Important – Conducted 3 previous test with the equipment & it passed (including 10,000 psi). Failed 5 minutes into a 10 minute test at 10,000 psi! Immediate Actions: Contractor stopped operations Had hydrotester rig-down and take equipment back to the shop Contractor conducted an internal investigation BP: Cascade awareness & learning for all to be on alert for a possible repetitive event in the future Lessons To Retain: Repeated pressure tests were needed to expose a potential weakness ~ resulted in a catastrophic failure! Thread make-up needs to be questioned…especially when the make-up lengths vary Barely threaded into DSA For more information contact: Don McKelvey 1-307-413-4585