Selfie Monopoly £200 each £200 each £150 each £250 each £150 each Stop Sign Road Name Road Name Road Name Phone Box Road Name Road Name Road Name Speed limit sign Road Name Taxi rank sign Selfie Monopoly Road Name Road Name Take a picture with the each sign or object so that the faces of all your patrol members are visible. If we cannot see everyone you get no points for the picture Corners are worth £100 each Items that are underlined are worth £150 each If you get all items in a colour band the value for that band is doubled You must be back at the hut by 8.45pm where your pictures will be judged each minute you are late will cost you £100 You get an extra £50 for each picture that makes the judge laugh Team with the most “money” at the end of the night wins £150 each Road Name Road Name £250 each Bus stop Road Name £150 each £100 each A person Road Name Road Name Road Name Post Box Road Name Road Name Road Name Slide