Settlement Revision Booket


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Presentation transcript:

Settlement Revision Booket Year 10

Definitions- Key Words Site Situation Function Settlement Urban Rural Urbanisation Counterurbanisation De-industrialisation Greenfield site Brownfield Site Brownfield Potential Slums Rural-urban migration Renewal Redevelopment

Height above Sea Level Defence Shelter Water supply Aspect Land Factors Affecting the site of a settlement Water supply Aspect Land Resources Communications

Affecting the situation Factors Affecting the situation of a settlement If you are asked to describe the situation of a settlement; try to use the following as a guide; Places Accessibility Relief Communications Describe the situation of Liverpool (4

Settlement Shapes Nucleated or clustered Dispersed or fragmented Linear

Functions of settlement Port Market town Commercial settlement The function of a settlement describes all the main activities that occur in it Industrial/ Manufacturing Mining town Commuter town Tourist town Heritage settlement

Reasons for Counter-urbanisation

Explain the changes to rural areas caused by counter-urbanisation Answer: June 2012 Explain the changes to rural areas caused by counter-urbanisation Use examples in your answer

Impacts of the Depopulation of remote rural areas There are a number of social and economic consequences to the movement of people out of these areas Social; Economic

Negative impacts of deindustrialisation Why did Liverpool deindustrialise? How did Liverpool industrialise? Positive impacts of deindustrialisation

Explain the consequences of de-industrialisation in the UK January 2011 Explain the consequences of de-industrialisation in the UK Use examples in your answer Answer:

Case study of the effects of rapid Growth on a LIC urban area Cairo - Egypt

June 2010 Chose an urban area in a LIC which has experienced rapid population growth Explain the reasons for this growth June 2011 Explain the impacts of this rapid growth January 2012 Explain the negative impacts of this rapid growth