Media Communications Richard Trombly Contact : Email : Wechat and phone: +86 13818837641 Media Communications
Introduction Data free ??? Quantitative Qualitative
Introduction Quantitative Qualitative Information Interpretation The mean the meaning Ingenuity in design ingenuity in analysis Focus on audience focus on the art or media Statistics concepts applied Certain[ but trivial?] uncertain [significant] Data ideas USA pragamtism EU philosophy
Introduction Quantitative Qualitative Information Interpretation The mean the meaning Ingenuity in design ingenuity in analysis Focus on audience focus on the art or media Statistics concepts applied Certain[ but trivial?] uncertain [significant] Data ideas USA pragamtism EU philosophy
Introduction Analytic toolbox [cultural studies] Semiotic theory historigraphical theory Aesthetic theory comparative theory Psychoanalytic theory Sociological theory Political theory Anthropological theory Literary theory Philosophical theory
Asking questions-- research Diagnostic – how do you interpret Decision – what would you do Synthesis – how does this relate/connect to Priority – what is most critical Justification – what support or evidence.... Clarification – what do you mean by Hypothetical – if [something] were true , then Application – how does this apply Summarizing – what have you learned from
Research What is RESEARCH?
Research What is RESEARCH? To search for or find something Root latin re – again and cercier – to seek The “re” gives the idea of a process and the feeling of thorough So formal research is a process of seeking and finding especially information
Research Historians rarely can do quantitative research same with culture or media studies As we explore types of research and research methods , remember since these are not exact sciences, combining disciplines may provide much better results
Research Friederich Nietzsche “Facts is precisely what there is not , only interpretations... the world is “knowable” , but it is interpretable otherwise , it has no meaning behind it, it has countless meanings. Facts vs. perspectives
Research Facts perspectives Scholarly research Theory based Structured Systematic Planned Scientific thinking Logical Focus in knowledge / reality
Research Problem of certainty Just because we are not in statistics does not mean no rules. It is important that unless you are a phd you can not have opinions in a scholarly sense. You have to cite the work of others and critique that or apply their work to support yours. EVIDENCE – there is uncertainty in every court case
Research Variables When you are comparing different cultural things Various time periods Or same time , different place Isolate one thing to test or study Too many variables too little certainty
Research Context Facts on their own mean little Providing context puts data and facts in perspective Relationships that help us make sense of the world
Research Opposites People like to categorize Old young Hard soft Enslaved free yin wet beginning Not all categories are as simple
Research Qualitative Quantitative Evaluates measures or counts Explains processes data Aesthetics in text number of occurrences Theoretical statistical Interpret describe Leads to evaluation leads to theory Interpretation attack methods attacked
Research Qualitative studies Popular culture Philosophy of communication Analysis of communications context Performance studies of mass communication Mythic/ ideologicial studies Media criticism Theoretical work in cultural studies Organization studies of mass media
Research Qualitative studies Any study that is not collecting countable , statistical data.
Research Qualitative studies Any study that is not collecting countable , statistical data.
Communcation . 5 kinds Intrapersonal Interpersonal Small group Organizational Mass media
assignment . Interview on your smart phone ... ask several people to discuss their use of mobile media and internet. “How many hours a day are you on your smartphone or the internet and what are you using it for?” interview several people. ASK FOLLOWUP QUESTIONS based on responses. Be sure to get good sound. * interview make sure to get NAME , AGE , PROFESSION of interviewee