Improving Opportunities for our pupils and increasing all expectations @MrDavidMcGrath
Guided Learning The teacher works with a group of pupils for a set amount of time whilst the rest of the class work independently Meet and Greet Pupil lead task? Focus of stretch and challenge Chance to move some pupils on Lesson Intro Guided Session Independent Session Pupils to summarise learning/Model skills? Modelling and Summary
Builds reasoning, speaking and listening performance Debating: Allow pupils to lead group debates, to build the Q&A sessions Builds reasoning, speaking and listening performance
High Quality Questioning=High Quality Answers Count to 5 You may have top wait for the Higher Quality Answers Encourage all students to question- provide a framework to enable higher order curiosity
Modelling in the Classroom Implicit Vs. Explicit A Fundamental tool to set standards and expectations Metacognition Thinking Verbal Communication Tasks Success
Implicit Modelling Spoken Verbal Responses Use of Literacy Attitudes towards learning new things Peer to Peer Work Positive talk and ‘Hope’ not ‘Helplessness’ Showcase yourself out of your own comfort zone
Explicit Modelling Model getting it wrong Model getting it right: Showcase expertise Stages/Steps to Success Teach like a Coach Demonstrate the difference between a mid-range and high quality learning Use all pupils to model to the class (not just those considered MA)
Motivation: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Extrinsic Motivation: When external rewards are the dominant factor. Short lived Motivated by short-ranged outcome Grades/Tests etc. If all our pupils are intrinsically motivated they are more likely to engage with the learning, develop their pedagogical curiosity and motivate others Intrinsic Motivation: Involves engaging in a behaviour that develops the personal desire for success Participating because the activity is fun Solving a puzzle as the challenge is fun Higher order thinking as they find it interesting/exciting
Whilst reading ‘The Expert Learner’ (Stobart 2015), I came across a fantastic model about our ‘deliberate practice involving risk taking’, and how excellence is achieved from stepping out of the comfort zone, into the learning zone, (Colvin 2008).
Improving Opportunities for our pupils and increasing all expectations @MrDavidMcGrath