Le collège en France LI: Today we are learning to talk about the differences between French schools and Scottish schools.
In pairs, write down one a piece of paper what you already know about French schools and what you think about it. Use the following mind map to help you. French schools rules timetable canteen Grades and expectations subjects
You are now going to watch a short video about a secondary school in the North East of France. Answer the following questions in pairs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW4zj0rJz1w What is special about this school? What are the expectations for the pupils (uniform, time keeping, behaviour) ? Can you notice a couple of differences about classroom management/organisation? Can you explain what “permanence” is? Does it exist in Scotland? How do they promote greater health? How does it compare to your school? What option(s) do they have if their struggle with personal issue? Is it the same thing as having a guidance teacher?
The second video focuses on the education system The second video focuses on the education system. Pupils and parents are being interviewed. Answer the following questions in English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBuhE9eg0Z4 What is their timetable like compared to yours? What is the grading system like? What do parents think of assessments? Do you have to pay to go to school in France? What about university? What does secular mean? What does it mean in terms of subject choices at school?
The pupils’ perspective Now you will be divided in 6 groups. Each group will have to discuss which system is the best –the Scottish or the French one, from different perspectives. After 10 minutes, each group will have to share their conclusion with the rest of the class. Groups 1 and 4: The pupils’ perspective Groups 2 and 5: The parents’ perspective Group 3 and 6: The teachers’ perspective
What do you think about French schools now. Has your opinion changed What do you think about French schools now? Has your opinion changed? Why?