Chapter 3, Section 1 The Diversity of Cells
Different populations BIOME/ ECOSYSTEM COMMUNITY POPULATION ___________ __________ ___________ All the organisms of one species in an area Different populations interconnected IMAGE SOURCES: see last slide
___________ __________ ___________ ORGAN SYSTEMS ORGANISM ORGANS ___________ __________ ___________ Different tissues working together Different organs working together IMAGE SOURCES: see last slide
____________ ____________ TISSUES CELLS ____________ ____________ Similar cells working together IMAGE SOURCES: see last slide
What is a Cell???? A cell is the smallest unit in a living thing that can perform all of the functions necessary for life
Robert Hooke 1665- ______________________ used a microscope to examine a thin slice of cork and saw “little boxes” Robert Hooke He called them “CELLS” because they looked like the small rooms that monks lived in called Cells Microscope image: Cork image: Hooke image:
Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1673- ___________________________________ a Dutch microscope maker was the first to see LIVING ORGANISMS. Anton van Leeuwenhoek Microscope/Leeuwenhoek image: Animation from:
Overview of Cell Theory History Lets Read an Article!
1838- German botanist __________________________concluded that ALL PLANTS are made of cells Matthias Schleiden Plant image: Schleiden image:
Theodor Schwann 1839- German zoologist _________________________concluded that Theodor Schwann ALL ANIMALS ARE MADE OF CELLS Schwann image: Animals image:
The Cell Theory Schwann wrote the first two parts of the cell theory All organisms are made of one or more cells The cell is the basic unit of all living things
Rudolph Virchow 1855- German medical doctor _____________________ saw dividing cells in the microscope and reasoned that cells come from other cells Rudolph Virchow Virchow: Mitosis:,%20tanner,%20and%20liam%20mitosis%20root%20tip.jpg
CELL SIZE The yolk of an egg is a single cell! 50 human cells could fit on the dot of the “i” in your textbook! Typical cells range from: 5 – 50 micrometers (microns) in diameter
The answer has to do with the cell membrane. Balloon Demo Why Are Cells So Small? One characteristic of cells is that they are very small. Why are cells so small? The answer has to do with the cell membrane. Balloon Demo
Cells Need a Large Surface Area Everything the cell needs to take in or has to get rid of has to go through the cell membrane. Therefore the cell membrane needs to have a large surface area in relation to the volume of the cell. As a cell gets bigger, so does its surface area.
However, the volume of a cell increases at a faster rate than the surface area of its cell membrane. If a cell gets too large, its cell membrane will not have enough openings to meet the demands of its volume. This limits the size of cells.
Parts of a Cell All cells, no matter what size or shape have the following: Cell membrane and cytoplasm Organelles Genetic material
Two Kinds of Cells There are two basic types of cells: Prokaryotes (which include bacteria and archaebacteria) Eukaryotes
Prokaryotes Even though these organisms have DNA, they do not have a nucleus (we’ll study this soon!!!!) Bacteria Bacteria are everywhere Bacteria are unicellular Have ribosomes (we’ll study these later!!!)
Archaebacteria - are similar to bacteria, but their ribosomes are different and they live in some pretty extreme places, like near volcanic vents or even in sewage!
Prokaryotic Cell
Eukaryotes Eukaryotic cells are the largest cells Eukaryotes have a nucleus Most are multicellular