The Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) Financial Situation February, 2016
Cooperation for Institutional Strengthening INTER-AMERICAN CONFERENCE OF MINISTERS OF LABOR (IACML) Cooperation for Institutional Strengthening Authorities of the IACML govern the operation of the RIAL and ensure that it responds to ministerial priorities and plans of action
PROLIFIC EXCHANGE-CONCRETE CONTRIBUTION TO THE MINISTRIES 20 hemispheric Workshops (25 MLs, COSATE, CEATAL, orgs) 90 bilateral cooperation and technical assistance activities 140+ programs in the Portafolio 4 technical studies 16 documents of lessons learned and recommendations 350+ online resources 1044 public officials trained 76 representatives of workers and employers 17 international organizations involved in the RIAL (ILO)
VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS Argentina 2. Bahamas 3. Barbados 4. Belize 5. Bolivia 6. Brazil 7. Canada ** 8. Colombia 9. Ecuador 2011 2011,12 2011-2015 2011-2013 2013-2015 2013 2012-2014 2015 2011, 13 10. El Salvador 11. Jamaica 12. Mexico 13. Panama 14. Paraguay 15. Peru 16. Dominican Rep. 17. Suriname 18. Trinidad & Tob. 2015 2012-2015 2011, 13,14,15 2011, 13, 15 2012, 13 2011 2011-2015 $297.734 (17 countries) + $200.000 (Canada) = $497,734 + $152.000 (Co-financing) = $649,734 OAS contribution in coordination, operation and communications=$80,000 annually
VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION FUND EXPENDITURES 2011-2015 EXPENDITURE CATEGORY SOURCE Total Voluntary Contribution Fund Canada (2012-14) Other Contributions Workshops (5 and 1 web) 56,075 39,880 76,000 171,955 Bilateral Cooperation (31) 76,954 79,458 20,000 176,412 Studies (1) 10,000 30,000 Operation (administration) 57,927 51,012 40,000 148,939 Communications 25,000 29,650 6,000 60,650 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $235,955 $200,000 $152,000 $587,955
VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION FUND AVAILABLE FUNDS Item Amount Total contributions 649.7 Total Expenditures and Obligations - 587.9 TOTAL Available funds $ 61,8
VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION FUND Annual Contributions 2011 – 2015 (in US$)
Average cost of RIAL Workshop: $35.000 Unit Costs - Historic Average cost of RIAL Workshop: $35.000 (Includes co-financing for travel 10 countries) Average cost of bilateral cooperation activity: $5.500 Communications / Annual Operations: $50.000 (OAS has contributed to this item/not sustainable) RIAL would need $120,000 in annual contributions to continue its work in the same manner