Find the total of 5 hours 10 minutes 3 hours 23 minutes 6 hours 39 minutes Click for solution + hours minutes7214 More than 60 minutes? YES: convert 60 minutes into one hour 72 – 60 = 12 minutes left = 15 hours Designed by Lukas van Veen The total time is:
Find the total of 7 hours 50 minutes 4 hours 40 minutes 6 hours 55 minutes + hours minutes14517 More than 60 minutes? 145 – 60 = 85 minutes left = 18 hours 1925 YES: convert 60 minutes into one hour More than 60 minutes? YES: convert 60 minutes into one hour 85 – 60 = 25 minutes left = 19 hours Designed by Lukas van Veen The total time is:
Start time : 22 : 45 Time worked : 6 h 40 min:06 : 40 End time :??? : More than 60 minutes? 85 – 60 = 25 minutes left = 29 hours 05 YES: convert 60 minutes into one hour More than 24 hours? YES: take away 24 hours = 05 hours Designed by Lukas van Veen WORKING WITH THE 24 HOUR CLOCK The end time is 05:25
End time : 06 : 30 Time worked : 8 h 45 min:08 : 45 Start time :??? : - 05 :90 Cannot subtract minutes? = 90 minutes 29 : = 5 hours 21 NO: convert one hour into 60 minutes Cannot subtract hours? NO: add 24 hours = 29 hours Designed by Lukas van Veen WORKING WITH THE 24 HOUR CLOCK The start time is 21:
End time : 03 : 15 Start time :18 : 30 Duration :??? : - 02 :75 Cannot subtract minutes? = 75 minutes 26 : = 2 hours 8 NO: convert one hour into 60 minutes Cannot subtract hours hours? NO: add 24 hours = 26 hours Designed by Lukas van Veen WORKING WITH THE 24 HOUR CLOCK The duration is 8 hours 45 minutes 75 45