PPARγ is SUMOylated at K107 in WAT PPARγ is SUMOylated at K107 in WAT. (A) Immunoblotting for SUMO1-conjugated PPARγ (SUMO1), S112-phosphorylated PPARγ (p-PPARγ), and total PPARγ following PPARγ immunoprecipitation from eWAT and iWAT and interscapular BAT from individual WT (K/K), ... PPARγ is SUMOylated at K107 in WAT. (A) Immunoblotting for SUMO1-conjugated PPARγ (SUMO1), S112-phosphorylated PPARγ (p-PPARγ), and total PPARγ following PPARγ immunoprecipitation from eWAT and iWAT and interscapular BAT from individual WT (K/K), K107R heterozygous (K/R), and homozygous (R/R) mutant mice. Band intensities were quantified by ImageJ and normalized to WT except for SUMO1-PPARγ levels in BAT, which were normalized to SUMO1 in WT iWAT. Molecular mass is indicated on the right. (B) Body weights of WT and homozygous K107R mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for the indicated times. (C) Fat and lean content of WT and homozygous K107R mice after 19 wk on a high-fat diet. Values were normalized to body weight. (D) H&E staining of iWAT and eWAT from WT and homozygous K107R mice after 19 wk on a high-fat diet. For B and C, n = 6 mice per group. *P < 0.05. Takeshi Katafuchi et al. PNAS 2018;115:48:12102-12111 ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences