Contemporary Christian Views about Environmental Ethics Background image copyright Helen C. John
Click for an introductory video: Contemporary
Lesson aims To illustrate the stances of contemporary Christian churches and charities towards environmental care To show that not all Christian groups are in favour of environmentalism To show how biblical texts support a range of perspectives, including those that oppose environmentalism
Different Christian denominations have different ideas about how and even IF we should care for the environment. Today, you will be working in groups and independently. You will be researching these different approaches.
Activity 1 Each group has been given information about the environmental views of a different denomination of Christianity. As a group, read through the information and use the A3 recording sheet to make a list of all the denomination’s main beliefs concerning the environment, as well as its reasons for holding such beliefs. You will also need to include biblical quotations that they might use to support their viewpoint. You have 15 minutes You must work as a group
Activity 2 Nominate four pupils in your group to go and visit each of the other groups to find out about the beliefs of the Christian denomination they have researched. They should fill in the additional fact sheets with the views of each denomination. You have 10 minutes
Activity 3 Return to your original group and in turns share your findings with each other to complete your mapping sheets of contemporary Christian views surrounding the environment. You have 20 minutes
Give me 5! Turn to the person next to you and tell them FIVE things you have learnt during this lesson.