Next Round World History Unit 10 CDA Review Question 1 200 POINTS Question 2 Question 3 100 POINTS 100 POINTS Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 50 POINTS 50 POINTS 50 POINTS
What started to the world war i? Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
This battle showed trench warfare and the brutal conditions during World War I Battle of Verdun
This ended world war I by punishing germany? Treaty of Versailles
What did the treaty of versaille make germany do? Force them to pay all war reparations and debt
Ottoman, Africa, and Asia What regions of the world were negatively impacted after world war I due to colonization? Ottoman, Africa, and Asia
Which royal dynasty ended due to world war i? Romanov and Hapsburg
Next Round World History Unit 10 CDA Review Round 2 Question 1 200 POINTS Question 2 Question 3 100 POINTS 100 POINTS Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 50 POINTS 50 POINTS 50 POINTS
20th century scientist introduced his theory of relativity and pioneered research that would be the basis of nuclear fusion? Albert Einstein
Most famous Abstract artist of 20th century Pablo Picasso
Psychologist who taught tension between repressed drives and social expectations? Sigmund Freud
What are the causes of the russian revolution Russia’s massive military losses during World War I Food and fuel shortages, in combination with a weak economy Low confidence and trust of government officials
Stalin’s Plan for economic activity to be brought under government control with ruthless tactics, Five Year Plan
Why did fascism grow? anti-Semitic sentiment widespread and global economic depression an atmosphere of mutual resentment between Germans and other Europeans
Next Round World History Unit 9 CDA Review Round 3 Question 1 200 POINTS Question 2 Question 3 100 POINTS 100 POINTS Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 50 POINTS 50 POINTS 50 POINTS
Three dictators that made up the axis powers? Hitler Mussolini Hirohito
Which peace loving leader of india wanted nationalism established? Gandhi
a strong feeling of pride and devotion to one’s country What is nationalism? a strong feeling of pride and devotion to one’s country
How were russia, germany, and italy ruled during wwII? Facism
Italian evasion or Egypt ethiopia starts before, world war II starts
Japanese atrocities in china are known as? The rape of Nanjing
Back to the Beginning World History Unit 10 CDA Review Round 4 Question 1 200 POINTS Quesiton 2 Question 3 100 POINTS 100 POINTS Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 50 POINTS 50 POINTS 50 POINTS
How did europe respond to the German annexation of the Sudetenland? Appeasement
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941. a date which will live in infamy “Yesterday, December 7, 1941...a date which will live in infamy...” refers to? Pearl Harbor
The battle of midway and guadacanal happen where during world war II? Pacific Ocean
Operation overlord is the official name of? D-Day
How did the US defeat japan. Dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Which conference lead to The allies agreeing to concentrate on the war effort in Europe, and the geographic borders of the Soviet-Nazi pact were upheld? Tehran Conference