Setup Reduction For CNC Machining & Turning Centers Copyright 2001 Demo only – Most topics are not active!
Copyright 2001 Setup Reduction For CNC Machining & Turning Centers Demo only – Most topics are not active!
Setup Reduction For CNC Basic premises (20:00) Exit Click on a topic! Setup time defined 06:00 Setup reduction principles: Quick Index Of Techniques What do you want to reduce? (02:00) Preliminaries: Two tasks related to setup (2:00) Two tasks related to setup (2:00) Three ways to reduce setup time (05:00) Preparation and organization (17:00) Preparation and organization (17:00) Setup reduction techniques: Workholding setup (mc-15:00, tc-21:00) Workholding setup (mc-15:00, tc-21:00) Cutting tools (mc-22:00, tc-14:00) Cutting tools (mc-22:00, tc-14:00) Justification issues (05:00) Program zero assignment (m-16:00 t-06:00) Program zero assignment (m-16:00 t-06:00) Program development (07:00) Program development (07:00) Program transfer and storage (05:00) Program transfer and storage (05:00) Program verification (25:00) Program verification (25:00) Program optimizing (07:00) Program optimizing (07:00) Other tasks related to setup (02:00) Importance of setup reduction (04:00) Four steps to setup reduction (17:00) Intro. to parametric programming (05:00) Introduction (04:00) 3 hours, 47 minutes of presentation! Demo only – Topics in gray are not active!
Click on a topic! Preparation & organization Spot disorganization Well designed work area Improving personnel utilization Documentation issues Programming versus setup time Job order planning Kitting Non-production time Workholding setup (MC) Multi workholding devices Qualified setups Making use of sub-plates Changing parameters Pallet changing systems Suggestions for facilitating Cutting tools (MC) Standard tool stations Consolidate cutting tools Removing/replacing tools Assemble tools off line 2 ways to use length comp Measuring off line Multiple identical tools Presetting certain tools Program for setting offsets Tool length measuring probes Program to measure lengths Taper reamers Program development Part families Workholding setup (TC) Clamping pressure Reuse soft jaws Tailstock Changing parameters Removing workholding device Mounting jaws Quick jaw change chucks Chucking rings Chucking tool Machining soft jaws Jaw boring custom macro Quick Index Of Techniques Cutting tools (TC) Standard tool stations Tool nose radius comp offsets Assemble tools off line Quick change tooling Assign program zero (MC) Qualifying setups Calculating assignment values Measuring first time Programming entries More on sub-plates Spindle probe Using edge finder as probe Assign program zero (TC) Geometry offset usage Tool touch-off probes Program transfer PC based controls Background edit Manual DNC system Automatic DNC system Program verification Two-part definition Proven jobs Tool path plotters Off line verification Trial machining Presetting tools Programming trial machining Trial boring Trial turning Changing machining order Program optimizing Effects on setup time CAM systems and optimizing Tool path plotters Variables for cutting conditions
Two setup-related task types: On-line tasks: Tasks done while the machine is down between production runs Off-line tasks: Tasks done while the machine is in production for the next (or some future) setup Setup time is the sum- total of all on-line tasks!
Two setup-related task types: 4Tear down old setup & put everything away 4Clean machine 4Make new setup 4Cutting tool tasks 4Assemble, measure, and enter offsets for 4Assign program zero 4Measure position and enter fixture offsets 4Load program 4Verify program 4Optimize program Tasks commonly done while the machine is down The fewer the people in the CNC environment, the more tasks tend to be done on line