Conditions of Entry (COE) Requirements FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY (FOUO). This document is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used in whole or part or further disseminated to a third party or government without prior written approval from the United States Coast Guard United States Coast Guard 1
Port Security Programs Defined Conditions of Entry (COE) U.S. Coast Guard security measures imposed on vessels that previously called on certain ports identified as lacking effective anti-terrorism measures Purpose Mitigate terrorism risk & secure global maritime trade Safeguard Maritime Transportation System & U.S. maritime interests Partner with Port States on enhancing CG COE Missions Detection – vetting of port & vessel security measures prior to entering U.S. waters Offshore – boarding and ISPS I exam Dockside – ISPS II exam prior to cargo operations FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO)
Purpose of Port Security Advisories Port Security Advisories (PSA’s) Issued by Coast Guard Headquarters Lists ports requiring COE vetting Publicly available on USCG Homeport ( FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO)
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) COE Requirements CG vetting factors for vessels Previous foreign port calls w/ substandard security Security measures enforced while in port Hazardous cargo carriage Vessel size & security history Other country security conditions & vessel traffic Direct arrivals – arrival at U.S. port with last port call listed on COE Port Security Advisory Indirect arrivals – arrival at U.S. port with previous port call listed on COE Port Security Advisory within previous 2-5 port call FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO)
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) COE Requirements Vessel actions required in COE ports Implement Ship Security Level 2 requirements per vessel’s plan Constant visual guard of all access points landside & waterside Attempt to execute a Declaration of Security w/facility Log all security actions in ship’s records Report security actions to COTP prior to U.S. port call FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO)
Vessel Arrivals from FSM to Guam & CNMI 2016-2017 CNMI (Saipan/Tinian) 01 direct arrivals 25 indirect arrivals Guam/Rota 59 direct arrivals Commercial trades Tank Vessels Container Vessels Ro-Ro Vessels FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) 6 6
Potential Impacts to Marine Industry Denial of entry to U.S. port Increased costs of doing business Enhanced security measures Delays w/offshore boardings Delays in conducting cargo operations Changing trade routes FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) 7 7
Captain of the Port Options Denial of entry of vessels Offshore verification boardings w/exams Dockside exam prior to cargo operations Administrative exams FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) 8 8