10th Grade English Wednesday 6 Nov. 2013 Agenda: Turn in Final Drafts (period 3 only) Meet Outside of Library Door – Line up Alphabetically by last name Ch 1 Vocabulary Read Chapter 1 H/W: * Finish reading chapter 1 – we will have a reading quiz tomorrow. * Sing for Bling Due Tomorrow - Thursday, 11/7.
Ch 1 Vocabulary Definitions Lagoon: a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand or coral POS: noun SS: the blue lagoon sparkled in the sun.
Ch 1 Vocabulary Definitions Solemnly: Serious, deeply earnest, and sober. POS: adverb SS: After hearing his wife died, the man stared solemnly at the ground.
Ch 1 Vocabulary Definitions Prominent: Important or immediately noticeable POS: ADJ SS: the rock is the prominent image in the photo.
Ch 1 Vocabulary Definitions Ascent: 1. The act or process of rising or going upward. SS: Moorea made her ascent up the stairs. 2. An advancement, especially in social status. SS: Jared made his ascent up the social hierarchy. POS: noun
Ch 1 Questions Why is the chapter entitled, “The Sound of the Shell”? What is Ralph’s attitude toward Piggy in the first Chapter? What is the significance of Piggy’s plea to join the expedition? Why is Ralph elected chief? What is the “scar”? Why is Jack unable to kill the pig? Why does Piggy say, “They’re all dead…” (13)? What do Piggy and Simon have in common? How is Jack presented to the reader? Why might Golding use British school boys as characters? How is Piggy most closely tied to the world of adults? How is Piggy indirectly responsible for the blowing of the conch?