Emerging Issues in Collective Bargaining Howard Bunsis Professor of Accounting President, Eastern Michigan University AAUP
Roadmap Health Care Issues Compensation Contingent Faculty Fact Finding
Health Care Inflation per Kaiser 2006 Study Source: http://www.kff.org/insurance/ehbs092606nr.cfm
Health Care Cost Increases
Kaiser Study on Contributions
Kaiser Study: Type of Plans
Future of Health Care President Edwards: Employer-based health plans still exist President McCain: High Deductible Health Plans President ??: National Health Insurance President ??: No more employer-based health care
Compensation Issues National AAUP 2005-06 Results Chronicle of Higher Education Faculty Upper-level administrators Mid-level administrators In collective bargaining, compensation less additional out-of-pocket health care costs should be considered
Employment Cost Index
Contingent Faculty Will there be specific metrics in contracts? Percent based on headcount Percent based on credit hours Percent based on sections taught
More Contingent Issues Replacement of retiring faculty Guarantees? Gain from the “swap” Different union representation of different faculty groups
Fact Finding as a Remedy to Stalled Negotiations California Eastern Michigan Ohio Universities Lack of agreement on what a raise costs