The New Deal SSUSH 18- Evaluate Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the Great Depression and compare how governmental programs aided those in need
#32-Franklin D. Roosevelt More commonly known as “FDR” Former NY Governor Distant cousin of former President Theodore Roosevelt Promised to help end the Great Depression Diagnosed with polio in 1923 which paralyzed him from the waist down Longest serving president in US History- elected to four terms
Roosevelt’s New Deal Used his first 100 days in office to implement his new ideas His new plan is called the “New Deal” to provide: Relief- helping people get out of the Great Depression Recovery- helping businesses and the economy Reform- to make sure this doesn’t happen again
Tennessee Valley Authority The TVA helped farmers and created jobs and energy for the Tennessee River Valley Helped bring jobs to the poor South Provided electricity to rural areas Allowed for the control of rivers that often flooded and damaged property
Labor Reforms Wagner Act- legalized collective bargaining which is negotiating wages and conditions of employment This led to an increase in union membership It finally banned child labor and set the minimum wage
Roosevelt’s Second New Deal Roosevelt used his increasing executive power to roll out the 2nd part of the New Deal It promised an increase in: Social welfare benefits Government control over business Government support for unions Taxes on the wealthy (the government decided who was “wealthy”)
The Social Security Act The SSA established the social security system in the U.S. It offered 3 types of insurance: Old-age pensions and survivors’ benefits Unemployment Aid for dependent children, the blind, and the physically disabled
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt Wife and important colleague of FDR She became the face of FDR’s administration due to his disability Used her status to help improve and expand the role of women and African- Americans
Huey Long Opposes FDR Huey Long- Democratic governor of Louisiana Disagreed with FDR’s New Deal policies He promoted a “Share the Wealth” program which opposed FDR’s New Deal program His program was intended to help the working class people
“Court Packing” Scandal SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) had previously rejected many of FDR’s plans, therefore, he wanted to change the court as a way to be able to pass his own agenda He wanted to increase SCOTUS from 9 justices to 15 justices (packing the court) He tried to bypass Congress to do this and used his executive force He eventually backed down